Asp (fish)


The Asp Fish ⁢(Aspius aspius) is a member of the⁤ Cyprinidae family. This freshwater fish is native to Europe and Asia, where its⁤ aggressive behavior and speed make it a challenge for ​anglers.

Conservation Status

Currently, the Asp⁣ is classified as “Least Concern” by the IUCN Red List,⁢ due to ⁣its wide distribution and large​ population. Throughout its range, various conservation efforts have been implemented to ensure a healthy Asp population.


Statistic Value
Average Length 60-80 ​cm (24-31⁣ in)
Length Range 30-120 ⁢cm (11-47 in)
Average ‌Weight 1-2 kg (2-4lb)
Weight ‌Range 0.5-12 kg (1-26lb)
Average Lifespan 15 years


The Asp is found in water bodies across⁢ Europe and parts‍ of Asia. Distinct populations are​ known in Germany, Russia, Poland, and the Baltic ‌States. The⁣ fish exhibit no significant migration patterns.


Asp fish are primarily found in freshwater‍ environments, specifically in deep, clear, fast flowing rivers and large ponds. ‍Temperature range of ⁤these ⁢waters varies depending on the geographical location, but ​the Asp is known to adapt to a variety of temperatures.

When and Where to See

The Asp is active throughout the year,⁤ with peak activity periods ⁣during the⁤ warmer months. It⁣ is‌ most active during the day, especially⁣ in the morning and ⁣in the ⁢late afternoon.

Best Fishing Locations

  • River Volga, Russia
  • River ⁤Danube, Romania
  • River Elbe, Germany
  • Oder River, Poland
  • Lake Peipsi, Estonia/Russia
  • River Vistula, Poland
  • Upper River ⁤Tisza, Hungary
  • River Dniepr, Belarus
  • Lake Vanern, Sweden
  • River Rhine, Germany

How to Catch

The​ Asp is known to be attracted to small live baits and lures. Anglers commonly use methods such as⁣ fly fishing and spinning to catch this​ species, with the best time to fish being early morning or late afternoon.

Identification Guide

The Asp is characterized by its elongated, spindle-shaped body and ​silvery-grey color. It has large, strong ⁣jaws filled with sharp teeth, and it can be distinguished from similar species by the absence of the adipose fin.

Culinary Notes

The Asp is considered a high-quality food fish in many parts of ​Eastern Europe. The meat, which is white and firm, is ‌often smoked‌ or pickled. It is‌ high in ‍protein and low in fat.

Additional Information

Asp fish are aggressive predators that consume ​a diet primarily made up of‍ smaller fish. The ⁣main predators of the Asp include larger fish species and birds. The species has a cultural significance in Eastern Europe, where it‍ is often associated with strength and speed.

References and Further Reading

For‍ those wishing to learn even more about the Asp ​fish, recommended readings include “Fish of Britain & Europe” by⁤ Alwyne Wheeler, and “The⁤ Freshwater Fish of Europe” by Heinz Machacek. Always ensure to acquire literature and resources from reputable publications or websites. Note: whenever using external links, they’ll be opened in new tabs ensuring ⁣readers ⁣won’t navigate away from the source material. No links ⁢should be broken or lead to 404 pages.