Bigmouth Buffalo

Introduction ⁣

The Bigmouth Buffalo ⁢ (Ictiobus cyprinellus) is a fish species ‍from the family Catostomidae commonly found in North America. This specie is one of the longest living freshwater ‌fish species with ⁤a⁣ lifespan ​of up to‍ 112⁣ years.

⁤Conservation Status

⁤ The Bigmouth Buffalo is currently listed as Least Concern on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to their wide distribution. However, conservation⁢ efforts are ongoing in some regions due to habitat ‌loss and overfishing.


Length65 cm50 – 90 cm
Weight16⁢ kg2 – 40 kg
Average Lifespan30 yearsUp to 112 ‌years


The Bigmouth Buffalo⁢ is a native to North⁢ America. It is widely distributed in​ areas ranging from the Mississippi River basin to southern Canada. They have no specific migration patterns; instead, they move in response ‍to changing ⁢water‌ conditions.


Bigmouth Buffaloes thrive in lakes, reservoirs, and slow-moving rivers⁣ with a depth​ range of 0.5 – 4 meters. The temperature range for these species is between 12°C – 24°C.⁣

When ‍and Where to See

These​ species​ are more active during the spring⁣ spawning season, particularly during⁢ the early morning hours.

Best Fishing Locations

Specific​ Locations

  1. Mississippi River, USA
  2. Lake Winnipeg, Canada
  3. Lake Erie, USA/Canada
  4. Chesapeake Bay,⁤ USA
  5. Great Lakes, USA/Canada

General Tips

Look‌ for bodies of water with slow movement and plenty of vegetation. ​Night​ fishing can ⁣be productive as⁣ these species tend to be more active‍ during low ‍light ⁢conditions.

‌How to Catch

The preferred bait for Bigmouth Buffalo is worms ⁢and small fish.​ Fishing techniques vary, but they can be⁤ caught using fly fishing, trolling, and bottom fishing methods. The best‍ time to catch this species is during the early ⁣morning or late night hours.

Identification Guide

Bigmouth ‌Buffalo are distinguished ‍by their large mouth positioned low ​on the ‌head and a fleshy, curved dorsal fin. They have a silvery-gray body​ with a darker back.

Additional Information

​ Behavior

Bigmouth Buffaloes are​ filter feeders, consuming large amounts of zooplankton and ⁤phytoplankton. Their unique spawning ‍ritual involves the female laying eggs while being surrounded by two⁢ or three males who‍ swiftly fertilize ⁢them.

Predators and Threats

Their primary natural⁢ predators are larger fish‌ species ‌and birds such ⁤as herons and eagles. Human-induced threats include​ overfishing and habitat loss due to development and pollution.

Cultural/Historical Significance

Culturally,​ the Bigmouth Buffalo is a significant commercial and recreational fish throughout ‌its range.

References and Further Reading