Nursehound (Bull Huss)


The Nursehound, often referred to as the Bull‍ Huss, is a species in the ⁣Scyliorhinidae‍ family. This species of small coastal shark is found predominantly in the eastern Atlantic⁣ Ocean, from Norway to Senegal.

Conservation Status

The Nursehound is currently listed as Near Threatened on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List. Conservation efforts include diversifying the fishery, promoting‍ sustainable fishery ‍practices and minimizing ‌bycatch through appropriate fishing gear modifications.


Length100 cm50-163 cm
Weight3 kg1-7 kg
Average Lifespan25 years


The Nursehound is found commonly in the eastern​ Atlantic⁢ Ocean, ranging from Norway‍ to Senegal, and in the Mediterranean Sea. They are mostly sedentary ‌and show no apparent migration patterns.


Nursehounds can be found in ‍shallow bays on rocky⁣ or sandy ‌bottoms, from ⁣the shore‍ to depths of 200 m. They prefer cooler temperate waters.

When and Where to See

They are known to be nocturnal, most active during the hours of dusk and dawn. During winter⁣ months, Nursehounds often move ⁢into deeper waters.

Best Fishing Locations

Nursehound sharks have been most commonly caught in the coastal regions of England, particularly off the shores of Cornwall and ‌Devon, and in the Mediterranean Sea.

How​ to Catch

Nursehounds typically​ eat small fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans. Live or dead small fish such as mackerel or herring are often used as ⁤bait,⁢ but artificial lures can also be effective. Methods include trolling, bottom fishing and float⁢ fishing.

Identification Guide

Nursehounds have a⁣ robust body, small pointed ‌head, ⁤and⁤ a reddish-brown color with large dark spots. Comparatively, similar species⁤ such as the ⁣Dogfish have a slender body ⁤and are often paler in color.


The meat​ of⁢ the Nursehound is firm and quite flavorful. It is commonly used in traditional British dishes such‌ as fish and chips. Nutritional information is‍ scant due to variation in cooking methods.

Additional Information

Nursehounds‌ tend to be solitary animals ⁣but will ⁤sometimes form small groups. They are oviparous, with ⁢the female​ laying eggs in a tough leathery case known as ⁤a mermaid’s purse. Known predators include larger sharks and ⁤seals.

References and ‌Further Reading

For further details and‍ more comprehensive⁢ information​ on the Nursehound, these sources could be quite helpful: