Pacific Herring


The Pacific Herring, known scientifically as Clupea ⁢pallasii, is a species in the Clupeidea family.

Conservation Status

The Pacific Herring is currently ⁢listed ​as of Least Concern on ‍the conservation status scale by the‍ International Union for Conservation of Nature. Conservation efforts focus heavily on maintaining stable population levels through sustainable fishing and habitat protection.


Stat Average Range
Length 30cm 20-40cm
Weight 200g 100-300g
Average Lifespan 8 years
Other stats


These‌ fish are found in the North Pacific region, ranging from Japan through the Bering Sea to California. They migrate towards the shore to spawn, and migrate back into deeper waters after spawning.


The Pacific Herring is a marine species that favours ⁣colder, coastal waters. Their ​depth range can be up to 200 meters, but in the Migratory season, ‍they come up to the shallow coasts. ⁣

When and Where to See

The best time to see Pacific Herring is during the late Winter to Spring time when they migrate towards ‍the shores for⁣ spawning.

Best Fishing Locations

Following is a list ⁢of top places to catch Pacific Herring:

  • Prince ‍William Sound, Alaska
  • San Francisco Bay, California
  • Puget Sound, Washington
  • Oregon Coast, Oregon
  • Sakhalin Island, ‌Russia

How to Catch

Pacific Herrings are typically caught with nets because they naturally school together. But for recreational purposes, ‌fishing with cut bait (small pieces of fish)⁤ or artificial lures work ‍too. The best time to fish is during their migratory seasons – late Winter to Spring.

Identification Guide

Pacific Herring have a slender, streamlined body which is bluish-green on the top and silver on sides. They have a deeply forked tail and tiny scales.


Pacific ⁢Herring are commonly smoked, salted, or ‍pickled. They have a unique, somewhat sweet ‍taste. High in Omega-3, they are‍ nutrient-rich.

Additional Information

Herrings greatly influence their surrounding environment mainly through their ‌major role as a prey species.⁤ Their main ‍predators include sea birds, ⁤marine mammals, and larger fish. They are also a significant part of the commercial and recreational fishing industry.

References and Further ‌Reading