Pejerrey (Silverside)


The‌ Pejerrey, scientifically⁣ known as Odontesthes bonariensis, ​belongs to the Atherinopsidae family. This fish species is commonly referred to as Silverside owing to its ⁣unique coloration and sheen.

Conservation Status

The Pejerrey, as per‌ most recent data, are not currently classified as endangered​ or vulnerable and thus do not have‌ a special conservation status. However, like⁢ all species, they are susceptible to changes in their habitat and need to be managed responsibly to preserve​ biodiversity and balance in their ecosystems.


Length25 cm10 – 40 cm
Weight0.2 kg0.1 – 0.5 kg
Lifespan5⁣ – 7 years


In South ⁤America, Pejerrey is commonly found in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay,‍ and Southern Brazil. They ⁤tend to‍ migrate towards warmer waters during colder months‌ and‌ are known ⁢to travel in schools.


  • Water type: Primarily freshwater, but ⁢can be found in brackish waters as well.
  • Depth range: ‍They usually stay near⁤ the surface, more specifically⁣ in the upper 10 meters⁢ of water.
  • Temperature range: Prefer a‌ temperature range between 10 to 23 degrees Celsius

When ​and‌ Where to⁢ See

Pejerrey seem more ‍active during warmer months of spring and summer. They are often seen in the early dawn and before ⁣sunset ⁢as they come closer to the shore ⁣during these times.

Best Fishing Locations

Some top ⁣locations to catch⁣ Pejerrey include the Parana River ⁤and the Rio de la Plata ⁤estuary in Argentina, the Uruguay‍ River in Uruguay, and the coast of Chile. If specific​ locations are‌ unknown, it can be⁣ helpful ⁢to look for areas with optimal temperature and shallow depth.

How ⁣to Catch

For baits, flies or small ⁤fishes are ‌a good choice since Pejerrey is a carnivorous ​species.‌ Fly fishing, trolling, and bottom fishing is the ⁣common fishing techniques used. The‌ best time‌ to fish for them is early morning or late ⁢afternoon, ⁣especially during warmer months.

Identification‍ Guide

Pejerrey typically have a ⁢slim, elongated body⁣ with a ⁣silver tint. They have small ⁤mouths with ‌conical teeth and a ‌pointed snout. The‌ dorsal ‌fin is usually in the middle ⁣of the body.


Pejerreyes are prized for their sweet, delicate‍ taste and can be prepared in a variety of ways ⁢such‍ as grilled,⁤ fried,‌ or baked. They are low in fat and high ‌in protein, making it a healthy choice for many ⁣meals. ⁢One popular recipe is ‘Pejerrey a la Plancha’ where they are grilled with a sprinkle of olive oil and lemon⁣ juice.

Additional⁢ Information

Feeding Habits: Mostly feeds on small fishes, crustaceans, and zooplankton.
Predators and⁣ Threats: Natural‌ predators include larger fish species ‍and some birds. ⁣Human-induced threats can be from overfishing and habitat disturbance.
Cultural/Historical Significance: The Pejerrey ​is‍ a well-loved fish in⁢ Argentina, where it is⁤ often ‍used as a national symbol of ‌fishing.

References and Further Reading

1. ‘Odontesthes bonariensis:​ a view ‌of its ⁣ecology⁤ and culture’, a scholarly ⁤article found in the ‍Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
2. ‘Pejerrey in Argentina: a Cultural and Angling Guide’ ​by ‍Rodolfo Pazos, ‌a detailed book covering all aspects of the Pejerrey’s significance‍ in South America.

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