Perch (White)


The White Perch, scientifically known as⁣ Morone americana,⁢ belongs to the family of Moronidae or the “temperate basses.”

Conservation Status

The⁤ White ‌Perch‍ isn’t considered a species at risk globally and is typically categorized as “Least Concern” by conservationists. However, ‌in⁢ parts of Canada or the U.S., the species might be subject‌ to protection ⁣due to it being an invasive species.


Characteristic Average Range
Length 25 cm 15-38 cm
Weight 0.45 kg 0.3-1.4 kg
Average Lifespan 9-10 ⁢years 5-17 years


White⁢ Perch are found⁣ along the east coast of North America, from Nova ‌Scotia south to South Carolina. ‌These fish are⁣ generally not ‌migratory, but they will move to ⁢deep water for the winter ⁣and move​ back to ⁤shallow areas in the spring.


White Perch inhabit water‌ types from freshwater⁣ to⁤ brackish water and can ⁤live ‍in depths ranging from 1-10 meters. They prefer water temperatures between‌ 15-25°C.

When‌ and Where to See

The best times to see ⁤White Perch are in the late spring ​and early summer,⁤ specifically during ‌their spawning season in late May and June. As ‌for ⁢the time of day, early morning and late evening⁢ are the most fruitful.

Best Fishing Locations

Some of the best locations⁣ to fish for White Perch ⁤include:

  1. Chesapeake Bay,⁣ Maryland
  2. Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin
  3. Lake Champlain, Vermont
  4. Lake Ontario, Canada
  5. Hudson River, New York

General Tips

If⁤ you ‍can’t⁢ get to these locations, look for ​calm, shallow, and clear waters, particularly during the late spring​ and early summer months.

How to Catch

Popular baits for White Perch are written down⁣ after research:‌ bloodworms, ⁤night crawlers,⁣ and grass shrimp. Effective⁤ techniques include bottom fishing, drift fishing, and trolling. Best⁢ time to fish ‍is during spawning seasons and in early⁢ morning or late‍ evening.

Identification‌ Guide

White Perch are silvery white in color with gray or greenish back. They have spiny dorsal fins and are⁤ darker along their backs with silvery sides.


How to Cook

White Perch are a ‌versatile fish that can be prepared in many ways including grilling, frying, baking, and broiling.

Taste Profile

It has a mild, slightly sweet flavor with ‍a medium-firm texture.

Nutritional‍ Information

White Perch is a ⁣good source of protein, Vitamin ​B, and is low in fat.


You can find many White Perch recipes online, one favorite being grilled White Perch with‍ lemon and herbs.

Additional Information


White perch are schooling fish and their diet includes insects, larvae, ⁣zooplankton,⁤ and small fish.

Predators ​and Threats

Natural‍ predators include larger fish ‌such as bass and pike. Human-induced threats include overfishing and pollution.

Cultural/ Historical Significance

White Perch has a significant role in commercial and recreational fisheries, especially in the Chesapeake Bay where it is considered a delicacy.

References and Further Reading

For more in-depth information, consult scientific resources such as FishBase, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service,⁤ or your local Department of Natural Resources. Always‌ remember to fish responsibly ⁣and within your local regulations.