Pompano Dolphinfish


The Pompano Dolphinfish (Coryphaena ​equiselis), ⁤also known as the pompano dolphin, is​ a vibrant marine fish belonging to the dolphin​ family (Coryphaenidae).

Conservation Status

Given its extensive‍ range and large populations, the ​Pompano Dolphinfish is currently not classified as threatened and enjoys a healthy conservation status. Fishing regulations‌ are⁣ typically put in place to‍ maintain⁤ this robust status.


Attribute Average Range
Length 114 cm 78-146 cm
Weight 5 kg 2-8 kg
Average Lifespan 4-5 years


Pompano⁤ Dolphinfish can be found in tropical and subtropical waters worldwide. These fish have no standard​ migration patterns but are known to move towards warmer‌ waters.


Occupying ⁢mostly oceanic, open-water environments, ​Pompano Dolphinfish have been found at‌ depths of up to ‌280 meters. They thrive‌ in​ warm water temperatures ranging from 20°C to 28°C.

When ⁣and Where to See

The best time to spot Pompano Dolphinfish varies by region,‌ but they‌ are often more plentiful during warmer months. Sightings are most common during daylight hours when the fish are actively feeding.

Best Fishing Locations

While the exact top spots‌ may change year over year, some popular places for Pompano fishing include:

  1. Florida Keys, USA
  2. Gulf ​of Mexico, USA
  3. Bahamas
  4. Caribbean Sea
  5. Southwest Atlantic waters

How to Catch

When fishing for Pompano Dolphinfish, live⁣ baits like squid or small fish are often effective. Fishing techniques include trolling and fly fishing. The warmer seasons provide the best time for fishing this species.

Identification Guide

Pompano Dolphinfish are vibrantly ‍colored, with‌ iridescent ⁢blues and greens on the ​upper ⁢body and yellows and silvers on the lower body. They are elongated with a somewhat squarish body cross-section. Compared to similar species, they are smaller and slimmer.


As a popular sport fish, Pompano Dolphinfish ‍is⁢ also⁢ prized for its taste. It has a mild flavor with lean,‌ firm texture. It can be grilled, baked, broiled, or fried. Pompano Dolphinfish provide‌ a⁣ good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, offering both taste and nutritional value.

Additional Information

Pompano Dolphinfish feed predominantly on small fish and squid. As for ⁢threats, apart ​from humans who fish them for sport ⁣and food, they have few natural predators.⁣

References and Further Reading

While the IUCN Red List doesn’t provide information for this species, other valuable sources exist to learn⁤ more about Pompano Dolphinfish. Resources like marine life guides, books about tropical fish, ⁢and fishing guides can ⁤all offer expanded​ insights