River Redhorse


Species Name, Family Name

The River Redhorse (Moxostoma carinatum)⁣ is a freshwater ‍species ​belonging to the ⁢family Catostomidae, commonly known as the sucker family.

Conservation Status

Current status,​ Conservation efforts

As per‌ the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the River Redhorse isn’t presently classified under ​any specific threat category. However, water pollution and habitat degradation pose substantial threats to the species.


Length (Average, Range), Weight (Average, Range), Average Lifespan, Other stats

Average Range
Length 20 inches 15 to 28 inches
Weight 4 pounds 2 to 7 pounds

The average lifespan of a River Redhorse is 15-20⁣ years.


Regions/Countries, Migration patterns

River Redhorses are native to​ freshwater eco-regions in ‍North America. They’re commonly⁣ found in the Mississippi River Basin, the Ohio River Basin,‌ and the St. Lawrence ⁣River.


Water⁣ type, Depth range, Temperature range

The​ River Redhorse typically inhabits rocky and sandy river bottoms in clear to moderately⁣ turbid water bodies. It generally resides in medium to large river systems, and adults usually swim up small ​tributaries to spawn. Water temperatures can vary​ widely from 32°F in Winter to 95°F ‌in Summer.

When and​ Where to See

Seasonal patterns, Time of day

River Redhorse​ typically spawn in late spring and early summer in shallow water. They’re more active during dusk and dawn.

Best ⁤Fishing Locations

Top 10-20 Places, General Tips

  • Mississippi River, USA
  • Ohio River, USA
  • St. Lawrence River, Canada
  • Allegheny River, USA
  • Wabash River, USA
  • French Broad River, USA
  • Green River,⁢ USA

In general, the best way to find a River Redhorse is by ‌fishing in medium to large rivers with a sandy or rocky bottom.

How to Catch

Preferred bait or ⁢lures, Fishing techniques, Best time of day or season ​for fishing

The River Redhorse can be caught using natural baits like worms, or artificial lures. Drifting the bait along the ⁤river bottom is a recommended technique. The prime fishing season is spring and early summer, especially around dawn and dusk.

Identification Guide

Physical characteristics, Comparison⁤ with similar species

The River Redhorse has a deep, slab-sided body with a reddish or bronze coloration. Distinguishing‍ features include a rounded snout, ‍large scales, and ⁢a deeply forked tail.⁤ Compared to other Redhorse species, the River Redhorse has molar-like​ teeth in its throat, unlike the sharp teeth of other species.


How ⁤to Cook, Taste Profile, Nutritional ‌Information, Recipes

River Redhorse ‌is a firm and mild-tasting fish that can be ⁤cooked in a variety‌ of ways, including grilling, frying,⁢ or steaming. Its nutritional profile includes high-quality protein and beneficial omega-3⁣ fatty acids.

Additional Information

Behavior, Predators and Threats, Cultural/ Historical Significance

River Redhorse⁢ feeds primarily on mollusks, insects, and sometimes small fish. Humans and large fish-eating birds are⁢ known predators.

In terms of historical significance, Native Americans historically utilized the River Redhorse ⁣for sustenance.

References and Further Reading

Sources, Recommended readings

For further reading, the ⁤following sources are recommended: