Rubberlip Seaperch


The Rubberlip⁢ Seaperch, scientifically classified as Rhacochilus⁢ toxotes, is a member of‌ the Embiotocidae family.

Conservation Status

The Rubberlip Seaperch has⁢ not been evaluated for ‌the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List‌ and is currently not considered ‌as an endangered or threatened species.


Average Length Length Range Average Weight Weight Range Average Lifespan
11 inches (28 cm) 8⁣ – 15 ⁣inches (20 – 38 ‍cm) 5 pounds‍ (2.25 kg) 3 -⁢ 10 ⁤pounds (1.36⁢ – 4.53 kg) 4 – 6 years


Primarily ‌distributed along the coasts ‍of‌ the‍ Eastern⁤ Pacific,⁤ from Santa Cruz, California to ⁤Central Baja ⁤California, Mexico. No specific migration‍ patterns for this species have been identified.‌


Rubberlip Seaperch are saltwater ‍fish ⁢that inhabit shallow waters⁢ within 10 to ‌60⁤ feet in depth. They can⁤ be found in temperature ranges⁢ of 50 – 70°F (10 – 21 °C).

When ‍and Where to​ See

These fish are typically active during the⁢ day and are often seen in the summer months along rocky ⁤shores and kelp ⁤beds.

Best ‌Fishing Locations

The Rubberlip Seaperch can be ​found in abundance in several ‍locations‍ along the ‍Pacific coast:

  1. Gaviota State Park, California
  2. Monterey Bay, California
  3. Crystal Cove State Park, California
  4. Pelican Bay,⁣ California
  5. Baja ⁣California, Mexico

Fishing Tips:

  • Look for kelp beds and‍ rocky environments⁤ where these fishes⁢ are‌ commonly ​found
  • They feed near⁣ the bottom, making them great targets for ‌surf fishing

How to Catch

Preferred baits for the Rubberlip Seaperch‌ include shrimp, squid, and sand crabs. ‌Anglers recommend using techniques‍ such as bottom fishing.⁤

Identification‌ Guide

The Rubberlip Seaperch is characterized by⁣ its grey-to-brownish back,⁣ white belly, and a⁣ distinct yellow hue ‍around the ⁣mouth and lips, ‌giving ​it its common⁣ name. The dorsal fins have black margins, and the tail and‌ the pectoral​ fins are slightly ⁤yellowish. It displays faint bars​ on the sides, which​ differentiates it from the other seaperch species.


Rubberlip⁢ Seaperch flesh is white and delicate with a sweet flavor. ‍Fish ⁤can be grilled, baked, or pan-fried. ‌Nutritional information⁢ may vary; however, as a rule, fish​ provide high-quality protein and vital nutrients.

Recipe (Grilled Rubberlip Seaperch):

  • Season fillets with salt, pepper, dry herbs
  • Grill over medium heat for 3-4 minutes⁤ each side
  • Drizzle with lemon juice and‍ serve with a fresh salad

Additional Information

Rubberlip Seaperch feed ⁤mainly on⁢ bottom-dwelling invertebrates, ⁢including sand crabs, shrimp, and mollusks.‌ As mid-sized predatory fish, they ​serve​ as an ‍important link in the marine‌ food chain.

References and⁤ Further Reading

For more‍ information, refer ⁣to the following ‌resources:

  2. California Fish Website
  3. Pierfishing ⁣ – ‍a dedicated platform for angling enthusiasts.