Samson Fish


The⁢ Samson Fish, scientifically known as⁣ Seriola hippos, is part of the Family Carangidae. Known‍ for⁤ its strength and powerful runs‍ when hooked, this game fish became a​ favourite ⁣catch for sport ⁢fishermen.

Conservation Status

Currently, there’s no specific⁣ conservation status for the Samson Fish. However, ⁤the ⁣overall sustainability of⁤ the species​ is good​ due to ‌strict fishing regulations in​ various parts of its distribution.


Characteristic Average Range
Length 1m 0.6 – 1.5 m
Weight 20 kg 5 – 60 kg
Lifespan 21 years


The Samson Fish is typically‍ found in the regions of ‍the Indian⁤ Ocean and the coastlines of ‍Southern Australia. No‍ specific migration patterns have been observed.


Preferably, Samson Fish are encountered in ​salt water,⁤ at an average depth ‍of 10 – 60 ⁤meters. ‌They are usually found in ⁣temperatures between 16-24°C.

When and Where ‍to⁢ See

  • Samson‌ Fish are more common ‍in the warmer months of the year.
  • They are‌ generally observed during ​daylight hours.

Best Fishing ‌Locations

The top⁤ locations ‍for ​Samson Fish include:

  1. Two⁣ Rocks, Western ​Australia
  2. Rottnest Island, Western Australia
  3. Esperance, Western ​Australia
  4. Port Lincoln, ⁣South ‍Australia
  5. Shark Bay, Western⁢ Australia
  6. Port Augusta, South Australia.

General tip: look for​ structures where baitfish may ‍congregate, like reefs or drop-offs.

How ⁢to Catch

Pick baits that mimic squid⁣ or⁤ small fish⁢ – their preferred food.‌ The most effective fishing techniques ⁢are trolling‍ and ‍jigging. ​The ⁢best seasons to ‍catch ‌Samson Fish are summer and autumn.

Identification⁢ Guide

The‍ Samson Fish has a robust body,⁢ olive green to silver​ in color with dark bands on‍ the upper body. It ⁢has a yellowish tail⁣ and a ⁤small ​mouth ‍compared to its body size.


Samson Fish is tasty when grilled, baked,‌ or barbecued. Its⁣ flesh is firm, with a moist and sweet flavor. A popular recipe is the Grilled Samson Fish with‌ Lemon Butter Sauce.

Additional Information

Samson Fish ⁢are voracious feeders, ‍mainly preying​ on squid ⁤and small fish. ⁣There’s⁤ little information about ⁣the mating rituals of Samson Fish. Natural ⁣predators ​are larger ⁢fish⁣ species and ⁢marine mammals.

References and Further Reading