Shark (Nurse)


The Nurse Shark is a member of the Ginglymostomatidae family. ​It is known for its docile behavior and slow-moving ways,⁣ making it a relatively accessible species for ⁢fishers and ⁢divers.

Conservation Status

As⁢ of current,⁣ Nurse Sharks are listed ‍as Data‍ Deficient on the IUCN Red ‍List due to a lack of⁤ information on its population trends. Despite this, there are ongoing efforts to⁤ better understand and consequently conserve this species.


Statistic Average Range
Length 8-9 feet 7.5-14 ‌feet
Weight 200-330 ⁢lbs 90-270 kg
Average Lifespan 25⁣ years N/A


Nurse Sharks ‍are typically found in warm, tropical waters. They are identified in the ​coastal areas of the East and West Atlantic, and the ‍East Pacific. They tend not ‌to migrate ‍and are generally restricted to their local‌ areas.


These sharks‍ favor the shallow waters of⁤ reefs and sandy flats, and are commonly found ⁤in depths ranging from 1 to ​75 meters. They prefer warm waters ⁢with a temperature range of 20 – 28°C.

When​ and ⁢Where ​to See

Nurse Sharks are largely nocturnal creatures, making⁤ the‌ best time to‌ see ⁣them during late evenings or ⁣at night. They⁣ follow ⁢a seasonal pattern as they mate in the⁣ late spring/early summer.

Best Fishing Locations

  • Bahamas
  • Florida Keys, ⁢USA
  • Belize
  • Galapagos Islands
  • Jardines de la Reina, Cuba
  • Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
  • Cayman Islands
  • Bonaire, Caribbean‍ Netherlands
  • Simon’s⁤ Town, South ‌Africa
  • Western Australia

General‍ Tips

Focus on ‌shallow tropical ⁢waters, ‌preferably near coral reefs and sandy flats.

How to Catch

Nurse Sharks are not ‍typically caught due ⁣to their slow and ⁣non-threatening nature.⁤ However, they are occasionally caught accidentally by fishers using non-selective fishing​ gear such as nets.

Identification Guide

Nurse Sharks can be identified ⁣by their yellow-brown ​to grey-brown color. They have a ‍broad, flattened ‌head and a small mouth located below the eyes. Unlike ‍other sharks, they‍ possess‌ barbels,⁣ which are whisker-like​ organs near the nostrils.


Nurse Sharks are ‍not highly sought after for their meat, but can⁢ occasionally be found in local fish markets ‍within their⁣ home⁣ range. Their ⁤meat ⁤is described as lean, mild and sweet in flavor.

Additional Information

These sharks⁤ are ⁢famously sluggish ⁢during the⁢ day, usually found ‌resting on ⁣the sea bottom.⁢ They have ⁤a specialized ⁤respiratory⁢ system that allows them to breathe while ⁤stationary, unlike many other ⁢shark species. Their diet primarily consists of crustaceans, stingrays, sea urchins⁤ and fish.

References and Further Reading