Shark (Tiger)


Species Name and Family

The Tiger Shark, known as Galeocerdo cuvier in the scientific community, is a species of requiem shark and‍ is a member of the family Carcharhinidae.

Conservation Status

Current‍ Status

The Tiger Shark is currently listed as ‌ Near Threatened on the​ IUCN Red List.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation strategies include habitat protection, population ⁢monitoring, and regulations on fishing. There’s also an increasing collaborative effort to research false tiger sharks‌ which includes tracking their movement patterns to identify crucial habitats.


Measurements Average Range
Length 10-14 ft (3-4.3m) 8-20 ft (2.4-6.1m)
Weight 850-1400 lb (385-635 kg) 500-2000 lb (230-900 kg)
Lifespan 12-15 years N/A



Tiger Sharks can be found worldwide but are most commonly seen in tropical and sub-tropical waters. Key regions include North and South America, ⁤Africa, Asia, and Australia. They have a wide presence ⁣in the Pacific Islands.

Migration Patterns

Not an overly migratory species, the Tiger ​Shark tends to⁢ favor certain⁢ regions depending on the season and availability of prey.


  • Water Type: Saltwater
  • Depth Range: 0-350 meters
  • Temperature Range: 21-30°C

When and Where to See

  • Seasonal ⁤Patterns: More sightings during warmer months of the year
  • Time of Day: More active during nighttime

Best⁣ Fishing Locations

Top Locations

  1. Qld, Australia
  2. Florida, USA
  3. Bahamas
  4. Hawaii, USA
  5. South Africa
  6. Cook Islands
  7. Brazil
  8. Gansbaai, South Africa
  9. Galapagos Islands,​ Ecuador
  10. Guadalupe Island, Mexico

General Tips

Look for deep waters near coasts, river mouths and reefs.

How ⁢To Catch

Preferred Bait or Lures

Tiger Sharks are not picky eaters and will bite at almost anything including fish, squid, or crustaceans.

Fishing techniques

Traditional fishing methods ⁣work well. Most fishermen use trolling ‍or still fishing techniques.

Best Time of Day⁣ or Season for Fishing

Evening and night during warmer months are the best times to fish for Tiger Sharks.

Identification Guide

Tiger Sharks are recognizable for their dark​ stripes on their skin, which are more evident in juveniles. They are bluish-green to dark grey in color and have⁤ a distinct, blunt nose.


How to Cook/Taste Profile/Nutritional Information

While not typically a target ⁢for⁤ consumption due to the risk of ⁤carrying toxins, there are parts‌ of the world where shark meat is eaten. It is known to have a strong, distinct flavor and firm texture.

Additional Information


Tiger sharks are solitary and primarily night-time feeders. Mating typically happens every two years‍ with a gestation period of​ about 15 months.

Predators and Threats

Natural predators include larger sharks and​ killer whales. The Tiger Shark is‌ also often caught ⁢as bycatch in commercial fisheries and nets protecting swimming areas⁢ pose⁢ a major risk.

Cultural/ Historical Significance

Tiger Sharks have cultural significance in several Pacific Islander cultures, and Hawaiian legends suggest the Tiger Shark is an embodiment of the family god, or ‘aumakua.

References and Further Reading

Sources include⁢ “Sharks of the World” by David ‌A Ebert and Sarah Fowler. Further readings include “Sharks: History and Biology of the Lords of‍ the Sea” by Riccardo Brioni and Matteo Guardini