Short-Tail Red Snapper (Ehu)


The ‌Short-Tail ‍Red Snapper, ⁢also known as Ehu (Etelinei Sebastes), is a colorful species of marine fish known for its vibrant red color and shortened​ tail. This fish is part of ​the Lutjanidae family, encompassing snapper fish, ​which are ⁢among the most diverse families of marine fish.

Conservation Status

While the conservation status of the Short-Tail Red Snapper is currently ungraded by major conservation authorities, local authorities and fishers ‍play an important role in monitoring and managing their⁤ mature populations. These efforts involve sustainable fishing practices and regulations pertaining to allowable catch limits, aiming to maintain balanced and healthy populations.


Average Range
Length 40 cm 30 – 70​ cm
Weight 1.5 kg 1 – 4 kg
Lifespan 12 years 10 -​ 16 years


Ehu can be found ‍throughout the Pacific Ocean, specifically around Hawaii,‌ Taiwan, ‌and other⁢ parts of Southeast Asia. These fishes have a sedentary lifestyle, exhibiting limited migration patterns unless driven by breeding season or scarcity ​of food.


Short-Tail Red Snappers inhabit tropical and subtropical waters. They are found at depths ​between 90 and ‌400 meters,​ preferring warmer temperate⁤ ranges of⁣ 20 to 28 degrees Celsius.

When and Where to See

Short-Tail Red Snappers can be spotted throughout the year, edging towards late evening till dawn ⁢due to their tendency to feed during the night.

Best Fishing Locations

Popular​ spots‍ for catching Ehu include:

  1. Kaikoura, New Zealand
  2. Konishi Shima, Japan
  3. Lanai ‌City, Hawaii, USA
  4. Port Arthur, Australia
  5. Andaman ⁢and Nicobar Islands, ‌India

How to Catch

The preferred bait for⁣ catching Ehu includes squid, mackerel, and crab. Fishing techniques cover‌ a range from⁣ deep sea⁤ bottom fishing to jigging.⁣ The best time to fish is late evening until dawn, due⁢ to the⁣ species’ night-active behavior.

Identification Guide

Ehu can be distinguished by​ their bright red or pink coloration,⁣ short tail, and streamlined shape. They have a distinct lateral line across the body, and their lower jaws are slightly set back compared to the upper jaw.


Ehu ‍has a mild, sweet ‍flavor and a firm, flaky ‌texture when cooked, making it a favorite ⁢among‌ seafood enthusiasts. Its ⁣nutritional profile features high protein content, omega-3 fatty acids,⁢ vitamins D, ‌B12, and selenium.⁤

Additional Information

Ehu are carnivorous, feeding ⁢on ‌smaller fish, shrimp, and cephalopods. They are a solitary species and maintain their territory⁢ fiercely. Predators include larger fish and ​marine⁢ mammals. No substantial human-induced threats are recorded, but overfishing ⁣may pose a future threat.

Despite its common occurrence in Asian culinary​ culture, there are‌ no significant cultural or historical anecdotes associated with the Ehu. However, it does hold economic significance for local fisheries.

References and Further ‍Reading