Snapper (Cubera)


The Cubera Snapper, known scientifically​ as Lutjanus cyanopterus, is a species ‌in the‍ family ​of ​Lutjanidae. ‍Its ‍terrified ‍gaze and dreadful fangs that protrude noticeably from its large, boxlike mouth, give ‍it a quite menacing appearance.

Conservation Status

The International Union‌ for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified the Cubera Snapper as a Near Threatened ⁢species. Several measures, ‌focusing predominantly on maintaining ‌sustainable fishery practices, have been implemented across the Americas to conserve the ‌species.


Dimension Average Range
Length 39 inches 16-63 inches
Weight 40 lbs 5-125 lbs
Average Lifespan 55 years N/A


The Cubera Snapper is known to‍ inhabit the western Atlantic Ocean, stretching⁢ from Nova Scotia down to Brazil, including the Gulf of ​Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda.


The species prefers‍ water of the ‌marine or brackish type, with a⁢ depth range of 18 to ⁢55 meters. The species can‍ withstand a fairly ‍wide ​temperature range, indicative of its‌ distribution ⁤across ⁤various regions.

When and Where to See

Cubera Snappers ​can be spotted throughout the year, but they reach peak abundance during the summer months. The best time to see them is during the late afternoon‍ and⁣ evening, when they are‍ most active.

Best Fishing Locations

  1. The Florida Keys
  2. The ‍Virgin Islands
  3. The Bahamas
  4. Jamaica
  5. Panama
  6. Costa Rica

How to Catch

The Cubera Snapper responds ‌well to bottom ⁢fishing techniques. The species‍ displays a certain fondness for crab, making‌ it ‍the preferred form of bait. ‍Fishing ⁤is generally best ‌later in‍ the ​day, owing to the species’ nocturnal feeding ⁤habits.

Identification Guide

The ⁢Cubera ‌Snapper is characterized by ⁤a fairly distinct‍ coloration, ranging​ from ‍dark gray to a burned brown. The young of ‌the species often display blue streaks or spots. Compared to similar species, the Cubera‌ Snapper is distinguishable by its larger build and prominent upper canine teeth.

Culinary Uses

When cooked, Cubera Snapper is known to produce​ a distinctly sweet flavor. Recipes typically involve methods such as ‌broiling or grilling. As ‌for the nutritional content, a serving of Cubera‌ Snapper ⁤provides ⁣a good source of ‍proteins​ and healthy fats, essential for a balanced diet.

Additional Information

Cubera Snapper ‍is generally a solitary species, though they have been known to form schools. Predators⁣ include larger fish and sharks. The greatest threat to the species, though, ‍is⁢ overfishing. The Cubera Snapper’s menacing ‌appearance​ has not prevented it from becoming a popular game fish among ‌anglers.

References​ and Further Reading

Schultz, Ken⁤ (2015 June‌ 24). Cubera Snapper: The Ultimate Guide.

Smithsonian Marine Station (2021). Cubera Snapper: Species Profile.

Plusnin, Alex (2020). Broiled Cubera ⁣Snapper Recipe.