Snapper (Vermilion)


The Snapper (Vermilion),⁣ scientifically known​ as Rhomboplites ⁣aurorubens, belongs to the family Lutjanidae. Often mistaken for the Red Snapper, Vermilion Snapper is‌ a separate species and is distinct for its ​bright red body ​color.

Conservation Status

As per the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Vermilion Snapper is currently listed⁣ as​ ‘Least Concern’ due to its wide geographic distribution ⁣and plentiful populations. Conservation efforts ‍for⁤ this species ⁤involve sustainable fishing ​regulations and restrictions in catch limits.


Details Average Range
Length 35 cm 15 cm – 60 cm
Weight 1 kg 0.5 kg – 3 kg
Average ⁤Lifespan 15 ⁢years 10 – 20 years


Vermilion Snapper is commonly found in the western Atlantic Ocean, from North ‍Carolina⁢ all the way down ‌to Bermuda and Brazil. They ‍show​ a general pattern⁣ of migration from deeper ​offshore waters in the winter⁤ to shallower inshore waters in the spring and summer.


The Vermilion Snapper mainly habitats in saltwater with a depth range ⁤of⁤ 40 – 300m. They prefer moderate temperature ranges‌ usually around​ 20 ⁤- 28 °C.

When and Where‍ to See

The best times ⁢to observe or fish​ for Vermilion Snapper are during⁢ the spring ​and summer when they move ‌to shallow waters. They are ⁢generally more active during the day, particularly around dawn and dusk.

Best Fishing Locations

Fishing for‌ Vermilion Snapper is particularly⁢ popular in the following areas:

  1. Gulf⁤ of Mexico
  2. Bermuda
  3. Florida Keys
  4. South Carolina
  5. North Carolina

How to Catch

Vermilion Snapper is typically caught using cut bait, squid, or smaller ‌fish. Popular fishing⁣ techniques ​include bottom fishing⁣ and trolling. ⁣The best time or season for ‍fishing is during the ⁤day, particularly around dawn and ​dusk, in the spring and summer.

Identification Guide

The Vermilion Snapper‍ is⁣ distinct for its bright red body color. It has a‍ slender body, relatively short dorsal fin, and a forked‍ tail. It strikingly resembles the‍ Red Snapper but Vermilion Snapper has a more streamlined​ body and a more forked tail.


Vermilion Snapper ⁤is well-regarded in culinary circles. It ⁣has a mild, sweet flavor with firm, white flesh, ideal for grilling or broiling. It is low in ​calories but high ⁢in protein, vitamin D, and ⁤selenium.

Additional Information

Vermilion ‍Snapper​ is an opportunistic feeder with a varied diet mainly ⁣comprising of small fishes, shrimps, crabs,‌ and squids. They ​are also the target of numerous marine predators including sharks and larger fish. Vermilion Snapper has a significant economic value due to‌ its commercial and recreational fishing demand.

References and Further Reading