South American Silver Porgy


Diplodus argenteus,⁢ more commonly known as the South American Silver ‍Porgy, is ‌a⁢ highly sought after⁣ species in the Sparidae family.

Conservation Status

The ⁤conservation status of the ⁢South American Silver Porgy is currently listed⁤ as “Least concern” due to its wide⁢ distribution and large, stable ⁣population. Conservation ​efforts focus primarily on maintaining‍ healthy⁤ marine habitats⁣ and managing fisheries to ​prevent overfishing.


Statistic Average Range
Length 40 cm 25 -⁣ 50⁣ cm
Weight 1.5 kg 0.9 – 2​ kg
Average Lifespan 9 years


The South American⁣ Silver Porgy has a wide distribution throughout the waters of the subtropical western Atlantic Ocean,⁤ from the U.S. to Southern Brazil. It doesn’t have any notable migration ⁤patterns as this ‍bottom-dwelling⁤ species does not usually swim long distances.


All aquatic habitats for the South American Silver⁣ Porgy are characterized by warm temperatures in a marine environment. This species is found in a wide depth range from shallow inshore waters to depths of⁢ up to 30 meters.

When and Where to See

The South American ‍Silver⁣ Porgy can be spotted all year round, but⁢ it is most abundant during the summer months. It is primarily active during the⁢ daytime.

Best ‍Fishing Locations

Top Locations

The following are ⁤some of the ‌best⁤ locations ​for fishing South American Silver Porgy:

  1. Florida Keys, USA
  2. Bay of Pigs, Cuba
  3. Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
  4. Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
  5. Florida Bay,⁢ USA

General Tips⁤

Look for this species ‍over sandy or muddy bottoms. ⁣They gather​ in schools ⁢so where you find one, you’re likely to find many more.

How to Catch

The South American Silver Porgy is a bottom ‍feeder, so anglers often use bottom fishing ⁤techniques with bait such as shrimp or squid. The summer months are usually the best time for fishing‍ this species.

Identification Guide

The South American Silver Porgy gets its name from its brilliant silver coloration. It has a⁤ slim​ oval shape and a single, long dorsal fin. Compared to other porgy species, the Silver Porgy has a smoother scale texture.


The ⁢South American Silver Porgy is a tasty fish ⁢with a sweet, mild flavour‌ and firm, white⁣ flesh. It’s often⁢ grilled, ⁤baked or fried and ‍served with a variety‍ of sauces and sides.

Additional​ Information

The South ​American Silver Porgy is primarily a carnivorous species, feeding on crustaceans, mollusks, and other small invertebrates. Its primary predators include larger fish species and humans. This species does not have any notable folklore or historical significance.

​ References and Further Reading

For more information, consider consulting marine biology textbooks and regional fishing guides. Digital resources, ​such as ⁢the Florida Museum’s Fishes of Florida database, may also provide ⁢valuable insights