Atlantic Bonito


The Atlantic bonito, known scientifically as Sarda sarda, is a species of medium-sized, ray-finned predatory⁤ fish in the family Scombridae, ‍better ‍known as the‌ mackerel family.

Conservation Status

Current Status: Least Concern. Conservation Efforts: Because Atlantic ⁣bonito are not considered threatened, conservation⁣ efforts are generally focused on sustainable fishing practices to maintain the population.


Statistic Average Range
Length 60 cm 40-80 ​cm
Weight 4 kg 2-5 kg
Average ​Lifespan 6-8 ​years


Regions/Countries:⁢ Atlantic bonito can ⁤be found across the Atlantic ‌Ocean, from Massachusetts to ‍Florida in ⁤North America, and from Norway to South Africa in Europe and Africa. Migration⁤ Patterns: Atlantic bonito migrate annually between ‍cooler northern waters‌ in the summer and warmer southern waters in the winter.


Water Type: Saltwater Depth Range: They are ⁢typically found near​ the ‌surface to depths⁤ of 250m. Temperature ⁣Range: Preferred 17-21°C.

When and Where⁢ to See

Seasonal Patterns: Their‍ migration patterns signify summer in northern waters and winter in southern waters. Time of Day:⁣ Most common sighted​ in early morning and late‍ afternoon.

Best Fishing Locations

  • North⁤ America: Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts, USA
  • Europe: ⁢Strait⁣ of Gibraltar, Spain
  • Africa:⁣ Benguela Current, South Africa

General Tips: Try looking for Atlantic bonito in areas⁤ where seabirds​ are diving for small ⁤baitfishes.

How to Catch

Preferred bait or lures: Small mackerel, squid, ‍and‍ sardines. Fishing techniques: Trolling ⁢and casting lures are⁢ ideal for catching‍ Atlantic ⁣bonito. Best time of day or season for ​fishing: Morning and evening during summer are the ideal times.

Identification Guide

Physical ‌Characteristics: Atlantic ⁣bonito have a streamline body, dark‌ blue​ on top with silver undersides,⁢ and ‍wavy‌ stripes on ⁣the back. Comparison with Similar Species:⁣ They can be distinguished⁢ from other⁢ bonito species‌ by ​their lack of teeth ​on⁣ their ‌tongue.


How to Cook: ⁣Grilling or ‌baking⁢ is preferred for keeping the firm, flavorful‍ meat moist. Taste Profile: Atlantic bonito has a⁣ rich, hearty flavor similar to tuna. Nutritional⁤ Information: Highly nutritious, rich in proteins⁤ and omega-3 fatty acids. Recipes: Grilled​ Bonito with Tomato and Onion Salad, Baked Bonito with Citrus and Herbs.

Additional ‍Information

Behavior: Atlantic bonito typically travel in schools and feed on small fishes and squid. Predators and Threats: Natural predators include larger fish and cetaceans; human-induced threats include overfishing for the commercial and sport⁣ fishery ⁤industries. ⁣Cultural/⁣ Historical Significance: Bonito have been ‍a significant food⁢ source for surrounding coastal communities.

References and Further Reading

To learn⁤ more about⁢ the Atlantic bonito, the following sources are suggested:

  • Fishes of ⁣the North-eastern Atlantic and⁢ the Mediterranean‌ (FNAM) – FNAM website.
  • FAO⁤ species catalogue – Volume 2. Scombrids ‍of the world – FAO website.