Atlantic Cod


The Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) is a renowned species from the family Gadidae,‍ inhabiting ⁣the colder waters of​ the North Atlantic. ⁢This ​species is well-regarded for its culinary value and has played major ⁤roles in ⁣historical events.

Conservation Status

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Atlantic Cod has been ⁤classified as ‘Vulnerable’. A myriad of conservation⁢ efforts are in place to reduce ⁢the strain on Atlantic‌ Cod populations,⁤ including regulation of catch levels, adjustment of⁣ fishing ⁢methods, and establishment⁣ of protected areas.


Average Range
Length 1m 0.9m – 1.8m
Weight 5 – ⁢12 kg 1kg⁢ – 46 kg
Average Lifespan 25 years


Atlantic Cod⁤ are widely ​dispersed ​throughout the North Atlantic, dwelling in regions along the coast of North America, Greenland,⁣ and Europe. Cod are⁢ known ⁢to migrate between feeding⁤ and spawning grounds, often resulting in seasonal changes in distribution.


Living ⁣in both‌ the open ocean and ⁤coastal waters, Atlantic Cod can​ be found at a range of depths from 20 metres to 600 metres. They prefer cold waters, anywhere from 0°C to 13°C.

When and Where to See

Atlantic Cod generally spawn during the colder months, from January to April. During these times, ⁣they can be ⁣spotted near ‌the ‌coastline.

Best ‌Fishing Locations

Here’s a list of top ‌ten locations to ⁤fish Atlantic Cod:

  1. Grand Banks, Canada
  2. Georges Bank, USA
  3. North Sea
  4. Baltic Sea
  5. Iceland
  6. Norway
  7. Irish Sea
  8. Scotian Shelf, Canada
  9. Barents Sea
  10. Newfoundland, Canada

How to Catch

Live or cut bait such as mackerel, ⁢squid,‌ or sea worms work best for Atlantic Cod. ‌Fishing techniques like bottom fishing,‌ trolling, and jigging are effective for ⁤catching these fish.

Identification Guide

Atlantic Cods are characterized by their olive-green to brown color,‍ with spots over the dorsal side.⁣ They have a distinct barbel on the chin, and three dorsal and two anal fins.


Atlantic Cod ⁣has a mild flavor, with‌ a dense, flaky white flesh. They‍ are rich in​ protein, vitamin B12, and iodine. They⁤ are typically prepared by broiling, grilling,⁣ frying, or baking.

Additional Information

Cods⁤ are carnivorous, mainly ​feeding on ⁣crustaceans, mollusks, and smaller fish. ⁣They face predation from seals, large fish,⁢ and humans. Their socio-economic importance led to wars for control over their fisheries in the 16th to 17th centuries, known as the Cod Wars.

References​ and Further Reading

Interested readers ⁣can explore⁢ additional‍ information and the latest ⁣research available on:
IUCN Red List,
Ocean Smithsonian.