Atlantic Halibut


The Atlantic Halibut, scientific name‍ Hippoglossus hippoglossus, is a large flatfish ‌species that belongs to the family Pleuronectidae.

Conservation Status

The Atlantic Halibut is currently classified⁣ as ‘Endangered’ on the IUCN Red List. Conservation ⁤efforts⁢ have been focused on creating sustainable fishery management plans, ‍implementing size limits, and reducing⁤ fishing pressure.


Statistic Average Range
Length 1.4-4.7 meters 0.9-4.7 meters
Weight 90-320 kg 2.3-320 kg
Average Lifespan 50 years N/A

Atlantic Halibut reach sexual maturity at about 10 years of age.


Atlantic Halibut are found in the North Atlantic⁣ Ocean, from the coastlines of Canada, and the ⁤United States, over to⁤ Greenland and extending ⁢to the coasts of ‌Europe including ‌the United Kingdom, ‍Norway, and Russia. They are migratory species, moving towards⁢ the coast in spring ‌and back to deeper waters in autumn and winter.


These fish prefer ‍cold, deep ocean waters but can ‍also be‍ found​ in ​more coastal areas. They have been found at depths ranging from ​50 to 2,000 meters and in⁣ temperatures between 4°C and 12°C.

When and Where to See

Atlantic Halibut tend to move closer to shore during the spring months. ⁢They are ⁣most actively feeding during the early morning and late evening hours.

Best Fishing‍ Locations

  1. Labrador, Canada
  2. Newfoundland, Canada
  3. Nova Scotia, Canada
  4. Maine, USA
  5. Norway
  6. Scotland, UK
  7. Iceland
  8. Greenland
  9. Russia’s Kola Peninsula
  10. Faroe Islands

When looking⁣ for Atlantic‌ Halibut, keep an eye out for areas with rocky or sandy bottoms ​and deeper waters.

How to Catch

The ⁢best baits for⁢ catching Atlantic​ Halibut are ‌mackerel, herring, or other small fish. Common fishing⁤ techniques include trolling and bottom fishing. The best time to ⁢fish for Atlantic Halibut is during early morning or​ late‌ evening, particularly during their spring coastal migration.

Identification Guide

Atlantic Halibut have‍ a unique dark brown to ⁤almost black color​ on their right, or top, side and a ⁢white color⁣ on their left, or bottom, side.⁢ They are distinguished from other halibut species by⁢ their noticeably large size and diamond-shaped body.


Atlantic Halibut has⁢ a mild, sweet flavor and a firm, flaky texture. ‌It is a good source of protein, vitamins B6 and B12, and Omega-3 fatty ⁣acids. Recipes⁣ often call for it to be ‌grilled, broiled, or‌ baked.

Additional Information

Atlantic Halibut are bottom-dwelling carnivores that⁣ feed ‌on fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans. Naturally, marine‍ mammals and larger fish species are⁤ their main predators. They are ‍also threatened by overfishing. In terms ⁢of cultural ⁣significance, the Atlantic Halibut holds an important role ‌in the commercial fishing industry of many North Atlantic‌ countries.

References ‍and Further Reading