Atlantic Sharpnose Shark


Species and Family ⁤Name

The Atlantic Sharpnose Shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) is a species that ⁢belongs to the Carcharhinidae family, most commonly referred to as ⁤the requiem sharks.

Conservation Status

Current Status

Currently, the Atlantic Sharpnose Shark is listed as of ‘Least Concern’ by⁣ the​ International Union ​for Conservation ⁢of ​Nature (IUCN).

Conservation Efforts

Conservation efforts include legal restrictions on shark fishing ‌and monitoring of their populations to ensure sustainability.


Average Range
Length 3.3 feet 2 -​ 4 feet
Weight 7 – 11 lbs 3 – 15 lbs
Average Lifespan 9 – 12 years



They are commonly found along the Atlantic coast of North America from New ⁣Brunswick, Canada to southern Mexico.

Migration Patterns

While not a migratory ‍species in​ the traditional sense, Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks do show seasonal movements ⁤influenced by temperature, moving towards cooler waters in the summer⁢ and warmer waters‌ in the winter.


Water Type

They thrive in saltwater ​environments, both off the ⁣coast and in the open ocean.

Depth Range

These Sharks are most commonly found in waters up to 92 feet deep.

Temperature Range

They ​prefer warmer waters, typically‍ between 20 -​ 30°C.

When and Where to ⁤See

Seasonal ​Patterns

Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks can be seen year-round,​ but their visibility increases‌ during warm summer months.

Time of Day

They are most active during the day, particularly in the hours around high tide.

Best Fishing⁢ Locations

While it is⁤ challenging to⁣ list the top 10-20 ⁤places to fish for ⁤Atlantic ⁢Sharpnose‌ Sharks, they are most frequently caught off the eastern coast of the USA, particularly in‍ South Carolina, Georgia,​ and‍ Florida.

In terms of general tips, look for areas ‍with warmer water temperatures and plentiful food supply, such as near the mouths of estuaries or along the coast where they ⁢tend to be most​ populous.

How to Catch

Preferred Bait or⁢ Lures

These sharks are not picky eaters and can be caught using a‍ wide variety of live or ‌dead baitfish, for example, mackerel, anchovies, and squid.

Fishing techniques

Popular techniques include bottom fishing, surf fishing, and trolling.

Identification Guide

Physical Characteristics

These sharks are identified by their long, thin ​bodies‍ and the sharply pointed snout from ⁣which they get their⁢ name. They are typically⁣ grey or brownish in color​ and have white underbellies. They feature a series of dark, distinctly edged bands along their ⁢sides and sometimes across their back.


How to‌ Cook and Taste Profile

The meat‌ of the ‌Atlantic Sharpnose⁣ Shark is white and flaky with ⁤a mild flavor that‌ accepts seasoning well. ‍It can be ⁣baked, grilled, or⁤ fried as its texture and ​taste allow for versatile ‌culinary usage.

Nutritional Information

Shark meat is a protein-rich source that also provides a good amount of vitamins ​A ⁢and D, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Additional Information


They have an opportunistic diet, feeding on a ⁢variety⁣ of fish, shrimp, and other small ocean crustaceans. Mating occurs in early summer with‌ gestation taking 10 to 11 months.

Predators and Threats

Predators include larger sharks and humans. Human-induced threats include ‌accidental capture in nets, habitat destruction, and targeted​ fishing for their ​meat and fins.

Cultural/ Historical ⁣Significance

Shark fishing is‌ a culturally important practice in many ​fishing communities and can form part of ⁢local traditions⁢ and festivals.

References and Further Reading