Bar Jack (Caranx ruber)


The⁢ Bar Jack, scientifically​ known as Caranx ruber, is ‌a charismatic species belonging to the Jack Family (Carangidae).

Conservation Status

Currently within the ‘Least Concern’ category according to the International⁢ Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the ‌Bar Jack is not at significant ⁤risk of decline. Conservation efforts are minimal due to their current stable population status.


Length Weight Average Lifespan
Average: 40cm, Range: 20-70cm Average: 1.5kg, Range: 0.5-3kg 17 years


The‌ Bar Jack is widely distributed across the Atlantic Ocean, specifically in the Western Atlantic ‍from New Jersey, ​USA⁤ and Bermuda, to ⁢Santos, Brazil. Despite being a non-migratory species, juveniles have been known to travel​ vast distances following ocean currents.


Preferring warmer‌ waters, ⁤Bar Jack inhabit both saltwater and brackish ⁣waters. They are usually found in shallow inshore waters⁣ and occasionally in waters‍ as deep as 30 ​meters.⁢

When⁤ and Where to ⁤See

Seasonal Patterns

While they are present year-round, ⁤Bar Jack are ⁣most commonly⁢ spotted during summer months.

Time of Day

Bar Jack ⁤are active during the day but can be found resting near the bottom during the night.

Best Fishing Locations

While Bar Jack⁤ can be caught⁤ throughout their range, top fishing locations include:

  1. The Florida Keys,⁣ USA
  2. North ​Carolina’s Outer Banks, USA
  3. Bermuda
  4. Coastal‌ areas of Brazil

How‌ to Catch

A bright, flashy lure or live bait such as shrimp can help attract a Bar‍ Jack. Techniques such as trolling or fly fishing can be effective, especially when carried⁢ out during the day.

Identification Guide

The Bar Jack is characterized by its metallic blue​ or green dorsal way and a slim, elongated body. Along ⁤its back runs a ⁤distinctive dark bar, ⁤from which it gets its name.⁣


The Bar‌ Jack is a ‍lean, medium-textured fish‌ with a mild flavor suitable for a variety of dishes. It’s ‍a good‍ source of protein and contains high levels of⁤ Omega-3 fatty acids.

Additional Information


Bar Jack, especially younger individuals, often travel in‌ schools. Diurnal feeders, they primarily feed on smaller fish, prawns, and other crustaceans.

Predators and Threats

Natural predators‍ of ⁤the Bar Jack include larger ​fish ​and sharks. Human threats include overfishing ⁢and habitat degradation.

References and Further Reading