Bass Peacock


The Bass Peacock, scientifically known‍ as Cichla ocellaris, is an exciting species hailing from the Cichlidae ​family. ​This exotic fish is acclaimed for its beautiful colorations ​and markings that are comparable to its avian namesake – the Peacock.

Conservation⁣ Status

The Bass​ Peacock is currently ‍labeled as Least ⁤Concern ⁣(LC) due to its widespread distribution​ and healthy ​populations. There are ongoing efforts by local communities and conservation agencies to maintain the ecological balance and protect⁤ this species through sustainable fishing practices.


Average Length 16-18 inches
Length Range 12-24 inches
Average Weight 4-6 lbs
Weight Range 1-13 lbs
Average Lifespan 8-10 years


Bass Peacock is typically found⁣ in​ South America,​ specifically in the Amazon River Basin, Venezuela, Guyana, ⁢and Brazil. It’s known ‌for ‍its⁣ sedentary behavior, making it non-migratory.


They are primarily freshwater⁢ fishes thriving in a temperature range of 22-28°C. They can be ⁤found at varying depths, but usually prefer shallower water close to the river banks.

When and⁢ Where to See

The Bass Peacock ‍is active throughout the year with slight peak activity during summer⁣ and early fall. They​ are most active during the daytime.

Best Fishing Locations

  1. Amazon River, Brazil
  2. Orinoco River, Venezuela
  3. Essequibo River, Guyana
  4. Lago do​ Peixe, ​Brazil
  5. Rio Negro, Brazil

The general tip for finding Bass Peacock is to⁢ search along⁢ riverbanks or weedy areas in the freshwater habitats of ⁣the​ above-mentioned locations.

How‌ to Catch

Bass Peacock‌ is best caught using lures mimicking their ⁣diet, primarily small‍ fishes and crustaceans. Techniques ‌such ⁣as spinning,⁤ bait casting, and ​trolling are⁤ effective. Spring to fall is​ the best fishing season.

Identification Guide

They have an elongated body with unique eye-catching markings. They are predominantly green, with vibrant bluish-green on their lower parts. They have a spot ⁤on their tail end, similar ​to‌ a Peacock’s eye, lending them their name.


Bass ⁣Peacock has a firm, white, ⁤and slightly sweet meat. It ​is a ⁢good source‍ of protein⁤ and contains a moderate amount of fat. It is ⁤suitable ⁤for grilling, baking, and ⁣frying.‍ The‌ popular ‍Brazilian ⁣Peacock ⁣Bass⁢ Ceviche⁤ is one of the recipes⁢ to ‌try.

Additional​ Information

They are territorial animals with a voracious⁣ appetite for small fishes. Their main predators‌ include larger ⁣fishes‍ and birds. ​ They play a ⁢pivotal role in controlling the population of other smaller​ fish species in their habitat.

References and ⁢Further⁢ Reading