Bermuda Sea Chub


The Bermuda Sea Chub, or ‘Kyphosus sectatrix’, is a fish species from the family Kyphosidae. This robust tropical and subtropical species is native to the Atlantic‌ Ocean and the waters around Bermuda. However, ‍it is also found widely distributed in other regions.

Conservation Status

The Bermuda Sea Chub is not currently listed by international conservation bodies and thus does⁢ not ‌have an official conservation status. That ⁢said, efforts ​to conserve​ marine life habitats naturally include maintaining⁢ the habitats of this species. ​This includes limiting overfishing and ⁤reducing⁢ environmental pollution which can harm ⁢these fish.


Statistic Average Range
Length 18 inches Up ​to ​24 inches
Weight Not Specified Not Specified
Lifespan 5-10 years Not Specified

More research is⁤ needed to further understand the Bermuda Sea Chub’s average weight and lifespan‌ range.


The Bermuda Sea Chub⁢ has a vast⁣ distribution, ​ranging from the Atlantic Ocean to ⁣regions‍ such as⁤ Bermuda,‍ the Gulf ⁣of Mexico, and ⁤the Caribbean Sea.⁤ It has not been observed to have‌ significant migration patterns.


Bermuda Sea Chub are usually found in marine or⁤ brackish waters and prefer low-energy environments. ⁣They can be found at water depths from ‌2 to 100 feet ‍and in temperature ⁢ranges generally associated with⁣ tropical and subtropical climates.

When and Where to See

This species tends⁢ to be ‍more active⁣ during the ⁤warmer months, ⁤making spring ⁣and​ summer ⁤the best⁤ time for sighting ⁢them. They are generally active during ⁢daytime hours.

Best ⁤Fishing Locations

While specific top‌ locations are not ⁣documented for this species, they ⁣can generally be found in ‍shallow, sheltered waters along‍ the coastlines of the Atlantic Ocean,‌ Gulf of Mexico, and ⁢Caribbean⁤ Sea. It is recommended to track their presence based on local reports or consult​ experienced fishing guides in your⁢ area.

How to Catch

Light tackle and ⁣live bait ⁢are generally effective for catching Bermuda‌ Sea Chub. Due to their extensive biting range, a variety of ⁢fishing techniques such as drift fishing, float⁤ fishing, or netting can be used.

Identification Guide

The Bermuda Sea Chub is a robust,‌ silver-grey fish that can have a bluish or greenish tinge and​ often displays darker bars or stripes. Compare this ​with Bermuda Chub’s similar species, the White Chub, which has a sleeker look ⁤and lacks distinctive dorsal bars.


The‌ meat​ of the Bermuda Sea Chub has a ⁢mild, slightly salty ⁤taste.⁢ It’s commonly grilled or ⁤pan-fried, but can also be used in ⁣stews or fritters.‍ Nutritional information and specific recipes for this ⁢species are not widely documented.

Additional Information

Bermuda Sea Chub are generally omnivores,‍ eating both plant matter and small invertebrates. They face threat⁢ by larger predatory fish and human activities ⁢such as overfishing and habitat destruction.

References and Further Reading

Sources used in the compilation of‍ this article⁢ include‍ fish identification guides, marine ‍biology⁤ databases, and academic journals on marine ecology. To learn more about the Bermuda‍ Sea Chub, ⁤interested readers may refer to such materials​ that provide in-depth ‍information ⁢about marine fishes and their environments.