Bigeye Scad


Species ⁤Name and Family

The Bigeye Scad, scientifically known as Selar crumenophthalmus,⁤ is a species of‌ fish ‍classified under the family Carangidae. ‌This species is also ‌commonly referred to as the goggle-eyed scad, purse-eyed scad, or the oxeye scad.

Conservation Status

The conservation ‌status of the Bigeye Scad is currently ‍classified as Least Concern by various marine species conservation organizations, indicating ⁣that it is not under immediate ⁤threat of extinction. Measures to maintain the Bigeye ​Scad population‌ involve regulated⁣ fishing, particularly ⁢in⁤ areas abundant in this ‌species.


Category Average Range
Length 20 cm 10-35 cm
Weight 60 g 30-100 g
Lifespan 10 years 5-13 years


The Bigeye Scad ‍is commonly found in the coastal waters ​of Indo-Pacific regions‍ and Eastern Pacific regions, including countries such as ‌Indonesia, Hawaii, the Philippines, and Japan. They are known for their seasonal migration patterns, moving ⁢offshore to spawn during the months of‌ May ​to November.


The Bigeye Scad primarily dwells in saltwater⁣ environments, specifically in depths​ ranging from 1 to ⁢100 meters.‍ They prefer warm‌ temperature ranges, usually between 20 to 30 degrees Celsius.

When​ and Where to See

The best time to spot Bigeye Scad is during ​their spawning season, from May ⁢to November. During ‍this time, they are generally more visible, especially in coastal waters early in the⁢ morning and⁣ late in the afternoon.

Best ⁤Fishing Locations

  • Hawaii, USA
  • Java, Indonesia
  • Luzon, Philippines
  • South Korea
  • Mie ⁢Prefecture, Japan

General⁣ Tips

To successfully find Bigeye Scad, look for ⁤them​ near the surface of coastal waters, especially around reefs and shoals. Keep in mind that they are more‌ concentrated during their spawning season.

How to Catch

For⁣ bait or lures, small fish or shrimp proves to be most effective. The best time to fish‍ for Bigeye Scad includes early morning and ‍late afternoon during their spawning season.

Identification Guide

Bigeye Scad have a distinct look from their large, pronounced eyes. They ‌have a deep ⁢blue to greenish color on top and ⁣a silvery white⁤ belly. ‍They​ can be differentiated from similar species by​ their round body shape and the⁣ absence of a black spot on the side of⁢ their body.


How to Cook

Bigeye Scad can be​ cooked in various ⁤ways, including grilling, frying, or steaming. Marinating the fish prior to cooking⁢ it ‍can⁣ enhance ⁣its​ flavor.

Taste Profile

Bigeye Scad has a unique flavor. Its ​meat is ⁢moderately⁤ fatty, providing a rich ⁤flavor ‌and a soft but​ firm texture.

Nutritional Information

Bigeye Scad is a good‌ source of‍ lean‍ protein and omega-3 ‍fatty acids. It is also high in vitamins such as Vitamin D ⁤and B12.


Grilled Bigeye Scad and Bigeye Scad in Soy Sauce are ⁣common ⁢recipes ‍where this fish is used.

Additional Information


During the day, Bigeye Scad usually swim around the surface of the water. However, at night, they have been observed to swim deeper into the sea.

Predators and Threats

Bigeye Scad faces threats from larger marine fishes, seabirds, ​sharks, and ⁤dolphins. Overfishing due‌ to commercial and recreational fishing is a major human-induced threat ⁢to⁢ this species.

Cultural/ Historical Significance

In some cultures, Bigeye Scad is considered a symbol ‍of‍ prosperity and is often served during festive seasons and celebrations.

References and Further⁣ Reading

For ⁤more detailed information about the Bigeye Scad,⁢ consult scientific publications‌ and marine encyclopedia books. Popular‌ online sources ‌include FishBase, Aquarium⁣ of the Pacific, and NOAA Fisheries. Always⁣ verify sources for accuracy and relevance