Bigeye Tuna


The Bigeye Tuna ⁢(Thunnus obesus) is a species of tuna in‌ the Scombridae family. It is​ known for its large eyes and its capability to dive deeper than any other tuna species.

Conservation Status

The International Union for Conservation ‌of Nature has classified Bigeye Tuna as a vulnerable species. The primary threats to its population include overfishing and commercial exploitation‌ due to its high-quality‌ meat.

Current Status

As of 2022, ⁣Bigeye ‌Tuna are listed as Vulnerable.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation actions‍ have been put in place at the national and international levels. ⁤Regulations such as size⁤ limits, bag limits, and⁢ restrictions on fishing gear types have been implemented. Regional fisheries management organizations‍ also oversee conservation programs.


Length200 ⁢cm180 – 250 cm
Weight70 kg40 – 210 kg
Average Lifespan11 years


Bigeye⁢ Tuna are found in the open waters of the tropical and subtropical oceans worldwide.


Major fisheries for Bigeye Tuna⁣ are in the western and central‍ Pacific⁣ Ocean; northeastern Atlantic Ocean;‍ Gulf of Guinea; Indian Ocean; and the Caribbean Sea.

Migration Patterns

Bigeye Tuna are known to‍ undertake⁣ trans-oceanic⁢ migrations, mainly related to ​changes in⁤ water temperature ‍and food availability.


Bigeye Tuna ⁣enjoy warm surface waters, but they can also dive to depths where the water is much ⁢colder.

Water Type

Bigeye Tuna inhabit saltwater.

Depth⁣ Range

They are found from the surface to depths of 500 meters.

Temperature Range

They prefer warm surface waters above 20°C, but can tolerate temperatures as low⁢ as ‍5°C at depth.

When ⁣and Where to⁤ See

Bigeye ​Tuna‌ can be seen year-round⁤ in tropical and subtropical regions.

Seasonal Patterns

Their movements are influenced by the seasonal variations in sea surface ⁤temperature and food availability.

Time of Day

They are ⁣primarily nocturnal feeders, so night-time is​ the best chance for spotting.

Best Fishing ⁢Locations

The best locations for fishing Bigeye Tuna include the Pacific Islands, ​western and central Pacific ‍Ocean, northeastern Atlantic Ocean,‍ Gulf of⁤ Guinea, Indian ⁤Ocean, ⁢and the⁤ Caribbean Sea.

Top 10 Fishing Spots

  1. Kona, Hawaii
  2. Cabo San‌ Lucas, Mexico
  3. Florida Keys, ⁤USA
  4. Baja Peninsula, Mexico
  5. Madeira,⁤ Portugal
  6. Canary Islands, Spain
  7. Mauritius, Indian Ocean
  8. Seychelles, Indian Ocean
  9. Micronesia, Pacific Ocean
  10. Guam, Pacific Ocean

General Tips

Fishing for Bigeye Tuna demands patience and persistence. ⁢The best fishing times⁤ are ⁣early morning and late afternoon. The use of sonar can help identify spots where schools of Bigeye Tuna are likely to be found.

How to⁣ Catch

Preferred Bait or Lures

Live bait, such as⁢ mackerel and squid, and⁢ artificial lures are ⁣effective for Bigeye Tuna fishing.

Fishing Techniques

Trolling with ​either lures⁢ or live bait is among the most effective techniques.

Best Time of Day or Season⁢ for Fishing

The summer and autumn months are the best times to catch ‌Bigeye Tuna, especially ⁣during the early morning ⁣and late afternoon.

Identification Guide

Bigeye Tuna are easily identifiable by their‌ robust bodies, metallic blue tops, and silver-white bottoms. Their ‍pectoral fins are⁣ quite long, extending beyond the ⁣second dorsal‌ fin. They also have large eyes, setting them apart from other tuna species.


How to Cook

It is a versatile‍ fish that can be prepared in several ways, including grilling, baking, and pan-searing.

Taste Profile

The meat is light, firm, and features a mild, slightly sweet flavor.

Nutritional Information

Bigeye Tuna is a great ⁢source ‍of protein, vitamin B, and Omega-3 ⁢fatty⁢ acids. ⁤

Additional Information


Bigeye Tuna are ​known to⁢ undergo trans-oceanic migrations related ‌to changes in water temperature and food availability.

Predators and Threats

Natural predators include larger ​fish, sharks, and sea birds. Overfishing and commercial⁤ exploitation are⁣ significant human-induced⁣ threats.

Cultural/⁢ Historical Significance

Historically, Bigeye Tuna ‍has been a significant source⁢ of food for many island and ‌coastal communities.

References and Further Reading

For further reading, please refer to:

  1. FishBase