Black Jewfish


The Black Jewfish, scientifically known as Protonibea diacanthus, belongs to the Sciaenidae family. Its other common names include the Black Kingfish, the Coorong mullet, and the Butterfish.

Conservation Status

The Black Jewfish is categorized under the “Least Concern”⁤ conservation status. Fisheries⁤ management strategies are in place to ensure the sustainable use‌ of this species.


Statistic Average Range
Length 1 meter 50 cm – 1.8 m⁢
Weight 20 kg 3 kg – 45 kg
Average Lifespan 20 years


The Black Jewfish⁣ primarily ⁤thrives‌ in the coastal regions of Australia and Papua ‍New Guinea. They also inhabit Indonesia, the‌ Philippines, and the Solomon Islands. Little information is available about their migration patterns.


They prefer marine and brackish environments, predominantly found at depths ranging from 10 to 60 meters. They dwell in warmer waters.

When and ⁣Where to See

Seasonal Patterns: They are found year-round, but their numbers significantly increase⁤ during the⁢ dry season.
Time of Day: Black Jewfish are nocturnal ⁤and are most active during the night.

Best Fishing Locations

The top fishing spots for Black‌ Jewfish in Australia include:

  1. Darwin Harbour, Northern Territory
  2. Groote Eylandt, ⁢Northern Territory
  3. Prince Regent ⁣River, Kimberley
  4. Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland
  5. Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia

How⁤ to Catch

Preferred Bait ⁤or Lures: Bait such as squid, fish fillets, and prawns are particularly effective.

Fishing⁣ Techniques: ⁣Bottom fishing is the​ recommended ⁤technique.

Best Time of Day or Season for Fishing: Night-time fishing during dry seasons yields the ​best ⁤results.

Identification Guide

The Black Jewfish is a large, elongated fish with​ a dark bronze color. It has a long dorsal fin and a rounded tail⁤ fin. Tiny white spots can be found on the upper body.


How to Cook: Black Jewfish is commonly barbecued or deep-fried in ​Australia.

Taste Profile: It has a mild, sweet flavor with a low oil content.

Nutritional Information: It is high in protein,‍ low in saturated fats, and it⁣ contains omega-3 fatty acids.

Additional Information

Behavior: They are bottom feeders, primarily preying⁤ on crabs, prawns, ⁢and ‍small fish. They⁣ are also ​known for their strong​ fight when hooked, making them a popular game fish.

Predators and Threats: Predators include larger fish and sharks. Human activities like overfishing and habitat destruction pose significant threats.

Cultural/ Historical Significance: In Australia, they’re an important part​ of recreational and commercial fishing. ⁢They’re also considered a top​ prize among game fishers due to their size and fight.