Blue Catfish


The Blue Catfish, scientifically ‌known as ​Ictalurus furcatus, belongs to the‍ family Ictaluridae. Often recognized for their strong ⁢capabilities ​to​ grow large, Blue Catfish is a freshwater species greatly⁢ admired by anglers.

Conservation Status

Flying in the face of ‌the general trend for wildlife species, ​Blue Catfish is not considered threatened or endangered. ⁣Specifically, the IUCN Red List ​categorizes them​ as a⁢ species‍ of ‘Least Concern’. However, in some areas there are efforts to manage the population to avoid ⁢causing impact on other aquatic species.


Length25-46 inchesUp ⁣to 57 ⁢inches
Weight20-40 lbsUp ⁣to 150 ‍lbs
Average Lifespan20-30‌ years 


Native⁢ to the United States,⁣ Blue Catfish are‌ found predominantly in major⁢ river systems and large reservoirs in the ‌Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio valley. They are also found ‍in parts ​of Texas and the Gulf Coast region. These fish do not typically migrate.


These catfish inhabit freshwater environments that range in temperature from 70-85 °F (preferably around 77 ⁣°F). They ⁤are typically found in‍ deep, slow-moving⁣ waters⁤ with sandy or rocky bottoms.

When and Where to See

Although Blue Catfish are known to be more active during​ the night, they can often be seen during‍ the day in the⁣ warmer months of May through ​August.

Best Fishing Locations

Top fishing destinations for Blue Catfish include:

  1. Mississippi⁢ River, U.S.
  2. Missouri River, U.S.
  3. Chesapeake Bay, U.S.
  4. James River, ⁢U.S.
  5. Lake Texoma,‍ U.S.
  6. Red River, U.S.
  7. Wheeler Reservoir, ‍U.S.

How to Catch⁣

Fishing techniques ⁣often⁢ include bottom ‌fishing ​or drift fishing using baits like shad, herring, and carp. Optimal fishing times are early morning or late at night, particularly ‍during ⁤the summer months.

Identification Guide

Blue Catfish are ⁤identified by their whitish belly and silvery-blue above, a‍ deeply forked tail, and a⁤ relatively⁣ straight-edged anal fin.


Blue Catfish are highly⁤ prized for​ their firm, sweet-tasting white​ meat.‌ They are typically​ prepared‌ by grilling, ‍frying, or baking and served with‍ a variety of⁤ sauces⁤ or⁢ seasonings.

Additional Information

Blue Catfish​ are known to feed on a⁣ variety ⁤of smaller fish, crustaceans, and ‌insects. They exhibit a spawning behavior, which involves the male ‍catfish‍ constructing‌ nesting burrows⁢ in dark, secluded​ areas. Predators of Blue Catfish ‌include large fish species and human ⁢fishing‍ activities.