Blue Shark


The Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) is a⁤ distinctive species from the Carcharhinidae family, easily ⁢recognizable by its streamlined body and ⁢deep​ blue color.

Conservation Status

As per the ‍International Union for⁤ Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Blue Shark is partly classified as ‍”Near Threatened”. Current ‌conservation‌ efforts⁣ focus on mitigating bycatches in ​high seas⁢ fisheries.


Length3.5m ‍(11ft)2.2 ‌-‍ 4m
Weight30 ​- 60kg27⁤ – 120kg
Lifespan20 years 


The Blue Shark ⁤is found in the open oceans worldwide. They perform significant migrations tied⁣ to temperature changes ⁢and ‌breeding purposes. Each year they journey from ‌the ⁤equator towards the poles in summers and reverse⁢ the course⁢ in winters.


Blue Sharks⁤ typically inhabit the cool, deep-ocean waters. ⁢They mostly stay within the temperature range of 7 – 16°C and thrive ⁣in depths ranging from 350 ​- 400m.

When and Where to See

Blue Sharks are visible mainly ⁣in the summer⁤ months in cooler northern waters. The best viewing times ‍are⁣ usually the ⁢early morning and late‍ afternoon.

Best Fishing Locations

  • North Atlantic Ocean off the coast⁢ of⁣ New England, USA
  • Azores, Portugal
  • Canary ‌Islands,‌ Spain
  • Madeira, Portugal
  • Osaka, Japan

Locating Blue Sharks is generally a matter of⁤ knowing⁣ their migration patterns and ​locating their favored temperature ranges in ‌the open⁣ ocean.

How⁤ to Catch

Blue Sharks are typically caught using chum and bait, often small ⁣fish ‍or squid. The best times to fish for‌ Blue ‌Sharks‍ are during their peak summer migration‌ season, ⁢with early‍ morning and late afternoon ⁣being the most fruitful⁢ times.

Identification Guide

Blue Sharks are ⁤notable for‍ their vibrant deep-blue coloring.⁣ They ‌have a⁢ slim, sleek body with long,⁢ slender, ‍pointed pectoral fins, and‍ a large, triangular dorsal fin.


While Blue Shark is consumed⁣ in some parts of​ the world, ‍its taste is generally considered ⁢to be lower quality⁣ than other ​sharks. It⁢ is often used in ‌dishes like⁣ shark fin soup and fish and chips. Its meat needs proper ⁢preparation to avoid potential toxicity.

Additional​ Information

The Blue​ Shark ⁤feeds predominantly on small fish and squid. Despite​ their predatory ​nature, they are predated ⁣by larger sharks‌ and orcas. Human-induced threats include fishing as⁤ a bycatch, ⁣and⁢ direct hunting for their fins and meat.

References and ‌Further Reading: