Bluenose Warehou


The Bluenose Warehou (Hyperoglyphe antarctica), also⁣ known as bluenose, is a⁤ commercially important⁤ deepwater fish species. It belongs to the Centrolophidae family, commonly⁢ known⁢ as medusafishes or barrelfishes.

Conservation⁢ Status

Bluenose Warehou ‍is⁣ currently classified as ‘Least Concern’⁤ according to ⁢the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)‌ Red List of⁢ Threatened ​Species due to its wide distribution and large ‍population. Conservation efforts are focused‍ on minimizing‌ overfishing by implementing catch limits and ensuring sustainable fishing practices.


Characteristic Average Range
Length 60 cm 35 – 130​ cm
Weight 4.5 kg 1.3 – 12 kg
Lifespan 17 years 8 – 25 years


Bluenose‌ Warehous‌ are widely distributed‌ throughout the Southern Hemisphere. They are primarily found around New Zealand, southern Australia, and the ‍southwest Pacific Ocean. These fish do not follow specific migration patterns​ but are known⁣ to change depths according to feeding patterns.


Bluenose Warehous favor deep, cold water environments. They typically inhabit depths between 200 ​to ‍800 meters, with temperatures ranging between ‌7.8⁣ and 14.8 °C.

When and Where to ⁤See

Bluenose Warehous are usually found year-round but are more ​abundant during the summer months. They ⁣are most active at night ‍when‍ they rise to mid-water depths to feed.

Best Fishing Locations

Top fishing spots for Bluenose Warehou include:

  • Banks Peninsula, New ‌Zealand
  • Fiordland, New Zealand
  • North ‍Island, New Zealand
  • Chatham Rise, New Zealand
  • South Australia
  • Tasmania, Australia
  • Victoria, Australia

When⁤ fishing⁢ for Bluenose Warehou, look​ for steep, ​rocky ‌areas in‍ deep water as​ they prefer​ such​ environments.

How to Catch

The⁣ most effective method for catching Bluenose Warehou is ⁢bottom fishing with ‌bait such ⁢as squid or fish.⁢ The‍ best times to‍ fish for these ⁣species are during ⁢the night and in​ the summer when⁤ they are most ⁤abundant.

Identification Guide

Bluenose Warehous are identifiable by their elongated, compressed bodies which are ⁢blue-grey⁢ on ​top and silver underneath. They have a long​ snout, small mouth and‌ relatively large eyes.​ They​ also ‍have a distinctive ‌first dorsal fin, nearly as ‍high as⁤ the body is deep.

Culinary Information

Bluenose Warehou is prized for its firm, white flesh and mild ⁣taste.‌ It is high in ⁤omega-3 fatty acids, low in ⁢fat, ‌and offers ⁣a good source of ⁤protein. ⁢It is ⁢commonly used ​in a range of dishes, including baking, grilling,​ and steaming. Try⁢ it in a classic fish and chips dish ⁤or ‍savour it in a seafood chowder.

Additional Information

Bluenose Warehous feed‌ primarily on⁣ crustaceans, fishes, and ​squids. They are preyed upon by larger fish species and are ⁤susceptible to overfishing by commercial fisheries.

In Maori culture, Bluenose ⁢Warehou​ is known as “Warehou” and is traditionally used‌ in⁢ various dishes.

References ⁤and Further Reading

For⁣ more information​ on Bluenose Warehou, please​ refer ‌to the following ‍sources:

New Zealand Fisheries
Australian Museum