Bluntnose Sixgill Shark


The Bluntnose Sixgill Shark, scientifically known as Hexanchus griseus, is part of the Hexanchidae family. This ⁣prehistoric⁤ species is present in the world’s oceans, being one‍ of the largest extant shark ‌species.

Conservation‌ Status

The International ⁣Union⁢ for ‍Conservation of Nature ⁤(IUCN) categorizes the Bluntnose Sixgill Shark as Near Threatened. Conservation efforts for this species mainly focus on ‍management measures. For example, limits on fishing depths are being⁣ enforced in some areas to protect⁤ this deep-sea shark species.


Length (Average) Length (Range) Weight ​(Average) Weight (Range) Average​ Lifespan
15.5 feet 10-20 ⁣feet 630‍ pounds 400-1000 pounds 80 years


Bluntnose Sixgill Sharks have a global distribution, found in tropical and temperate seas.‌ This ⁤species has been observed in⁢ regions including the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Bluntnose Sixgill Sharks are nomadic and known to ⁤travel long distances, but specific ⁤migration‌ patterns are largely unknown.


The Bluntnose Sixgill Shark lives in marine environments, typically in deep ​waters ranging ‍from 200 to 2500 ⁤meters. Still, ⁣they can sometimes be found in ⁤shallower waters. This ‍species prefеrs cooler‌ temperatures, between 41 and 59 degrees Fahrenheit.

When and Where to See

Bluntnose Sixgill Sharks are ⁢typically nocturnal and more likely⁤ to be seen during night dives. ‍Observations are more common⁣ in summer months when the sharks move to⁣ shallower waters.

Best Fishing Locations

Although ‌not typically a target species, these sharks do occasionally show up ⁣in commercial catches. They are quite difficult to pinpoint due to their ⁤preference for deep water habitats.

How to Catch

Bluntnose Sixgill⁤ Sharks are often caught ⁣using deep-sea longline methods or by trawling. These‍ fishing ⁢techniques allow fishermen ‌to reach the shark’s ‌preferred deep sea ​habitats.

Identification Guide

Bluntnose Sixgill‌ Sharks have a distinct ⁣physical ⁤appearance. They are notably large, featuring six gill slits on each‌ side of their broad head, and they have small dorsal fins. These⁢ sharks are often a dark, slate-grey colour, and​ their eyes are fluorescent green.


Although ⁢not⁤ typically consumed ⁢in many parts of‌ the world, in some regions⁣ bluntnose sixgill shark meat ⁢is utilized for food.

Additional Information

The Bluntnose⁤ Sixgill Shark is an opportunistic predator, placing it near the top of the food ‍chain, with a varied diet⁤ including‌ fish, squid, crabs, seals‌ and even other ​sharks. However, it is threatened by ⁢commercial fishing,‌ where it is often caught unintentionally as bycatch.

References and Further Reading