Bramble Shark


The Bramble Shark, scientifically known ‍as Echinorhinus brucus, ⁣is a fascinating species ⁤in⁤ the Echinorhinidae family, known for its unique physical attributes and interesting life cycle.

Conservation Status

The species is currently classified as ‘Vulnerable’ on the‍ International Union for Conservation​ of Nature’s (IUCN) Red‍ List. Conservation efforts are primarily⁣ based on monitoring and regulating⁤ fishing practices to protect this species from ‍further decline.


Characteristic Average Range
Length 3.1⁢ m 1 – 4 m
Weight 200 kg 150 -‍ 250 kg
Average Lifespan Not specified Not specified


The bramble shark is a globally distributed species,‌ predominantly found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and‍ Indian Oceans. It is also​ known for‍ occasional migration to warmer regions during the cold months.


They prefer deep waters and are often found in depths ranging from 400 to 900 meters. They thrive in a wide temperature range, making them adaptable to various marine environments.

When and Where to See

The best time to encounter Bramble Sharks is during the months of April to June. They are most active during dusk and dawn.⁣

Best Fishing Locations

Here⁢ is‍ a comprehensive list of locations ‍renowned for bramble shark fishing:

  • Eastern Atlantic: around British⁣ Isles, France, Portugal, and Spain
  • Western Atlantic: off the coasts of North America and ⁢Brazil
  • Indian ‍Ocean: Western Australia, northern New Zealand, ‌India, and ​South Africa
  • Pacific Ocean: Japan, Hawaii, California, and Eastern Russia

How to Catch

The bramble shark‍ is a bottom-dwelling species, so bottom fishing techniques using squid or fish ​as bait are typically effective. The most productive fishing period ⁢is ‍during early morning⁤ or late evening.

Identification Guide

Bramble sharks are recognized by their dark‌ brown to black color, cylindrical body shape, and unique dermal denticles scattered around their body.‍ They are distinguishable from similar species by their bramble-like spikes ‌and lack ⁢of anal fin.

Additional Information

Bramble sharks are known to be non-aggressive and mostly feed on various fish and invertebrates. Their​ primary‍ threats comprise of commercial fishing and habitat degradation. Despite its‍ fascinating physical attributes, there are no known mythological or historical references associated ​with the bramble shark.

References and Further Reading

– Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. (2019). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available:

– Marine Species Identification Portal. Available:

– IUCN Red List of‍ Threatened‍ Species. Available: