Bream (Fingermark)


The Fingermark Bream, known scientifically as Lutjanus johnii, ‍is a species of fish belonging‍ to the Lutjanidae family.

Conservation⁣ Status

Currently, the‌ Fingermark Bream ⁣is⁣ listed as of Least Concern by the International ⁣Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Conservation efforts primarily ⁢involve monitoring of populations⁣ and​ regulation of fishing practices to prevent overfishing.


Average Range
Lenght (cm) 50 30 -⁣ 100
Weight (kg) 2 1 – 4
Lifespan (Years) 10 10 – 15


The Fingermark Bream is commonly found throughout the Indo-Pacific region, from the Red Sea to South Africa,⁢ and east⁤ to Samoa. Migrations patterns are not⁣ well documented.


Favoring tropical coastal⁣ waters, the ‌Fingermark Bream can be found at depth ranges of ⁣up ‍to 60 m, usually around mangroves,⁤ coral reefs,⁣ and ‌estuaries. The water temperature for ​habitation is usually ⁤20 – 30°C.

When and⁣ Where to ‍See

Fingermark ⁢Breams are more ⁣active during night times,⁤ especially⁣ during incoming tides. They⁢ do⁢ not show​ a⁢ significant​ seasonal⁢ pattern.

Best Fishing​ Locations

Top 10 Places:

  1. Great⁤ Barrier Reef,‌ Australia
  2. Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique
  3. Port​ Sudan, Sudan
  4. Gulf of Oman, Oman
  5. Riau Islands, ​Indonesia
  6. Andaman Sea, Thailand
  7. Persian Gulf, UAE
  8. Bay of⁤ Bengal, India
  9. South China Sea, Vietnam
  10. Pacific ⁢Harbor, Fiji

In general,​ estuaries​ and reefs⁣ are seen as ​the ⁣best‍ sites to ⁢find Fingermark Bream.

How to Catch

The most​ effective baits include live small fish, soft ‌plastic lures and shrimp, but they are also known to take a‌ range of other ⁣fish baits. Using a long-shank hook can be beneficial. ​They are typically caught by bottom fishing, and the best season​ for fishing varies by the specific location.

Identification Guide

Characterized by its bronze ‌to⁤ reddish color, distinct ⁢black spot at the base of the⁤ last few spines ⁤in the dorsal fin, and streamlined shape, it ⁢can ⁣be distinguished from other similar species such as the Mangrove Jack⁤ and Coral Trout.


How to Cook and Taste Profile

Fingermark Bream fillets are‍ firm and white with a subtle sweet flavor, making them a favorite in many Asian cuisines. They can be⁢ grilled, ⁤steamed, poached‍ or used in curries.

Additional Information


Active during the‌ night, Fingermark⁤ Breams‍ are bottom feeders, preying on smaller⁢ fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods.

Predators and Threats

Natural predators of the Fingermark⁢ Bream⁤ include larger⁤ fish⁣ and sharks. Human-induced threats⁢ include habitat‌ destruction and overfishing.

Cultural/ Historical​ Significance

The ‌Fingermark Bream holds significant cultural ‍value for ​Indigenous communities in ‌Northern Australia as a crucial source of protein.

References and Further Reading

  • Allen, G.⁢ R. ⁢”FAO species catalogue. Vol.6. Snappers of the world.” An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lutjanid species known to date. Vol. 125. Food & Agriculture Org., 1985.
  • Maclean J., Dews‍ G., ⁢Hall N.⁢ “Fingermark (golden​ snapper) on the‌ east coast: biology and⁣ fishery.” Northern fisheries centre, Queensland DPI&F, Cairns. 2003.