California Kingcroaker


The California Kingcroaker, also known as Menticirrhus undulatus, belongs⁤ to ​the Sciaenidae family. This⁤ species, often found along‌ the western coast of the ‍United ⁤States and Mexico,‍ is a sought-after catch⁣ among anglers.

Conservation Status

The California Kingcroaker is not⁤ currently listed as a threatened or endangered species. Efforts​ to conserve the species are largely focused on‌ maintaining healthy marine ecosystems they inhabit, which include policies on commercial fishing ⁢and protection of coastal‌ habitats.


Attribute Average Range
Length 14 inches 10 – 18 inches
Weight 1.5 pounds 1 – 2 pounds
Average Lifespan 4 – 6‍ years


California Kingcroakers are predominantly ⁢found along the western coasts of United⁢ States and ⁣Mexico. They don’t display any significant migration patterns and usually stay within their native geographical⁣ range.


The California Kingcroaker can ⁢be found ​in ⁢both salt and brackish waters. Generally, they prefer shallow coastal waters and are found at ⁣depths ranging from 3 to 30⁤ meters. These⁢ fish tolerate a wide range of temperatures.

When and⁣ Where to ‌See

Exhibiting a year-round presence, the California Kingcroaker is more frequently spotted during the‌ dawn and dusk hours. ‍

Best ⁣Fishing Locations

There’s a numerous ⁣popular spots ⁤to find California Kingcroaker, including​ the following coastal areas:

  1. San Francisco Bay, California
  2. Monterey Bay, California
  3. Santa Monica, California
  4. Gulf of California, Mexico
  5. San Pedro Bay,​ California

The key to finding a good fishing spot is to look for​ shallow sandy or muddy bottoms near shorelines.

How ​to Catch

Popular baits for⁣ catching California Kingcroaker include shrimp, squid, or cut fish. Two popular techniques are surf fishing and bottom fishing. Early morning and late evening are considered the best times for fishing this species.

Identification Guide

California Kingcroakers have elongated bodies with a silver-grey color‌ on top and a lighter belly. They can be distinguished ⁢by the⁤ distinct wavy, horizontal lines⁣ on their body.

Culinary Profile

Kingcroakers have a mild and subtly sweet flavor with a medium texture. Grilling⁣ and frying ‌are the most common​ cooking methods.

Additional ‍Information

Feeding mainly on small fishes, crustaceans, ‍and marine worms, California Kingcroakers are important members of the marine⁤ food web. ‍The species face natural predators including larger fish and marine birds. The most significant human-induced‌ threats ⁣come⁣ from‍ overfishing and ⁣habitat‌ degradation.

As for their cultural significance, the California⁣ Kingcroaker has been a⁢ part of coastal community fishing practices for centuries and has featured in⁢ various ‍traditional⁢ fish⁢ recipes.

References and Further Reading