Canary Rockfish


Species Name and Family ‌Name

The Canary Rockfish (Sebastes pinniger) is‍ a​ species​ of marine⁤ fish in‌ the family Sebastidae, ‌which includes rockfishes and ‌thornyheads. These‌ tenacious fish are known for their bright, canary-yellow⁤ coloration, earning ⁣them their colorful moniker.

Conservation Status

Current Status

According to‍ the International Union for Conservation⁣ of Nature (IUCN), the ⁤Canary ​Rockfish is currently listed as ​of Least Concern (LC). However, populations‌ have experienced significant declines in the past due to ⁢overfishing.

Conservation Efforts

Today, strict management measures,‌ such as⁣ fishing ⁤limits and⁢ protected areas, ​have been ‍implemented to protect the remaining populations of Canary‍ Rockfish. These efforts have helped stabilize some populations, but sustained vigilance is necessary.


Length ‌(Average) 30 cm
Length (Range) 15-60 cm
Weight (Average) 1⁣ kg
Weight (Range) 0.5-2 ⁢kg
Average‌ Lifespan Up to 75 years
Other‌ Stats Reaches sexual maturity around 5-10 ⁢years



Canary Rockfish are​ most​ frequently found along the Pacific Coast of North America, from Alaska to northern Baja California, Mexico.

Migration ​Patterns

They don’t‌ exhibit pronounced migratory behavior, but ‍their‌ distribution‌ is known‌ to shift in ‌response to changes in water temperature and food availability.


Water Type, ⁣Depth‍ Range, Temperature Range

Canary Rockfish inhabit‌ saltwater environments, specifically rocky reefs and structures, from shallow ⁤coastal waters to depths of up to ‍800 meters. They prefer cooler waters, usually between 8°C ⁣and 14°C.

When and Where to See

Seasonal Patterns, Time of‌ Day

Canary Rockfish⁣ are ​commonly seen during summer months, but can be present year-round depending on the water temperature. They can be spotted any time ⁣during day, but are‌ often more active during dusk and dawn.

Best Fishing Locations

Top Places

  • Prince William Sound, Alaska
  • Puget Sound, Washington
  • Columbia River,​ Oregon
  • Monterey⁢ Bay, California
  • Pacific⁣ Rim National Park, British Columbia, Canada

General Tips

Look for areas with rocky structures or reefs. Remember, ⁣Canary Rockfish have a strong affinity for cover.

How to Catch

Preferred Bait or Lures,⁤ Fishing ⁤Techniques

Artificial lures and live bait such as ⁢prawns or fish strips can both be effective.

Identification Guide

Physical Characteristics

Canary​ Rockfish are identified by⁤ their deep, compressed bodies;⁤ spiny dorsal fins; and distinctive, bright ‍yellow to ⁢orange coloration.


How to Cook, Taste Profile, Nutritional Information

Canary Rockfish offers a mild,⁢ sweet flavor and a medium-firm texture. They’re low in fat but high in protein, making them a healthy choice.

Additional⁢ Information

Behavior (Feeding habits, mating rituals, etc.), Predators and Threats

Canary Rockfish are opportunistic feeders, their diet consists mostly of small fish, squid, and shrimp. Mating‍ occurs⁣ during winter months when females release eggs into the water to be fertilized by males. Their main predators include⁤ seals, sharks, larger rockfish, and human beings.

Cultural/ ⁣Historical⁢ Significance

In Native American folklore, rockfish are known as symbols of abundance and transformation.

References and Further Reading

Additional information can be found in various scientific and popular publications about marine ⁤biodiversity and fisheries. A wealth of online resources like FishBase and IUCN Red List also provide detailed species accounts.