Channel Catfish


The Channel⁤ Catfish, scientifically ⁣known as Ictalurus punctatus, ⁣belongs ​to the family Ictaluridae.

Conservation Status

As per the​ current status maintained by the International Union for​ Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Channel Catfish is considered ‘Least Concern’.


Length15-25 inches12-44 inches
Weight2-4 pounds0.5-58 ⁣pounds
Average‍ Lifespan15-20 years


Channel Catfish are native to North America and found in a wide plethora of regions, particularly in the United States‌ and Northern Mexico.

Migration Patterns

They typically don’t migrate but relocate locally for purposes of reproduction and seasonal temperature changes.


Channel Catfish inhabit freshwaters including streams, rivers, and lakes. They ⁤are quite adaptable‌ and can survive⁤ in varying temperatures and depths.

Water TypeFreshwater
Depth RangeVaries ‍according to habitat
Temperature Range75-85°F (24-30°C)

When and Where to See

The Channel Catfish ⁢can be seen all ⁢year round but are most active between sunset to ‍midnight and during ⁢the warm summer months.

Best Fishing Locations

The top ten fishing locations include popular freshwater bodies in the US such as the Mississippi ⁣River, Red River of the North,‍ Lake Texoma, Lake Marion,‍ Lake Moultrie, Santee Cooper, James River, and Missouri River among others.

How to Catch

Favorite baits for Channel Catfish include nightcrawlers,⁢ chicken‌ liver, and stink baits. They are most often caught using bottom ⁣fishing techniques, particularly during the ⁤night.

Identification‍ Guide

Channel Catfish are identifiable by their smooth, scale-less bodies and their barbels, or whiskers, around the mouth. ⁣The color ranges from silvery-grey to dark blue ‌on the back and ⁤sides, and a white ⁣belly.


Channel Catfish are a popular component in the Southern US cuisine. The flesh is ​mild, slightly sweet, and less flaky compared to other fish.
No specific recipes are identified for Channel Catfish but ⁢they’re often grilled, baked, or⁣ fried.

Additional Information

Channel Catfish feed at night, consuming a varied diet including insects, mollusks, crustaceans, fish, and some plant​ material.
They have few natural predators, but ‌humans pose⁣ the greatest threat‍ through overfishing⁢ and habitat destruction.

References and Further Reading

Please note ‌that, despite thorough ‍research, the veracity of the listed⁤ links‌ are subject to change and are⁤ limited⁢ by the information available at the ​time