Chub Mackerel


The Chub Mackerel, scientifically known as Scomber japonicus, hails from ​the family Scombridae.

Species Name Family⁤ Name
Scomber japonicus Scombridae

Conservation Status

The Chub Mackerel ‌has been categorized as ⁢’Least Concern’ due to its‌ wide geographical range and bountiful population. Conservation efforts have been geared towards ensuring‍ sustainable‍ fishing practices to maintain a healthy balance​ within the ‍species.

Current Status Conservation Efforts
Least Concern Sustainable fishing practices


The‌ Chub Mackerel is known for ⁤its medium size.

Length (Average) Length (Range) Weight (Average) Weight ​(Range) Average Lifespan
30cm 20-50cm 1kg 0.8-1.5kg 10-12 years


The Chub Mackerel dwells primarily in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. It migrates seasonally‍ in large schools, influenced by changes in water temperature and availability of food.


Preferring warmer⁤ waters, the Chub Mackerel is ⁣frequently ​found at a depth range of 50 to 200 meters. They gravitate towards coastal areas with temperatures between 15-24 degrees Celsius.

When and Where to See

Chub Mackerel can be⁢ most commonly spotted between late spring ‍and ‌fall, ⁣particularly during dawn and dusk when they ​come near the⁤ surface ​to feed.

Best Fishing ‍Locations

Notable locations ‍to find Chub Mackerel include:

  • The⁣ Mediterranean Sea
  • The Atlantic Ocean (particularly ‌off the coasts of Portugal and Spain)
  • The Pacific Ocean (especially near Japan and California)

Fishing for ‌Chub Mackerel is most fruitful⁤ in ‌areas​ with warm, open waters.

How ​to Catch

Chub Mackerel is ‌often caught using various methods such as trolling, fly fishing or bottom fishing. The ​preferred ⁣bait includes small fish⁤ and squid.

Identification Guide

The Chub ⁣Mackerel is‌ recognized by its blue or greenish-blue body, covered with wavy, ​vertical lines. It has a‌ streamlined shape, built for ‍fast, enduring swims.

Culinary Uses

Chub Mackerel ‌is a‌ staple in many‍ cuisines around the ⁢world. Its ⁤flesh ⁢has a rich, pronounced ⁣flavor and it’s ⁣particularly savored smoked, grilled, or⁢ used ⁤in ‌sushi. Its high oil content provides a wealth of nutritional benefits including ⁤Omega-3 fatty acids,⁤ vitamins, and proteins.

Additional Information

Chub Mackerel is⁣ a ⁢schooling fish,⁢ primarily feeding on zooplankton ⁢and small fish. They spawn⁣ between spring and summer, laying millions⁣ of eggs at a time.

Their main predators include larger fish⁤ and marine mammals. Fishing activities pose a threat, hence the importance of sustainable‌ practices.

References and Further Reading

For more comprehensive information ⁣about the Chub⁣ Mackerel, the following‍ readings are recommended:

  • FishBase – Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus)
  • IUCN Red List – Chub Mackerel
  • Seafood Watch – Chub Mackerel