Common Ling

Common Ling


The Common Ling (Molva molva) is a deep-water species of the cod family Gadidae. Despite its rather mundane name, ​this bottom-dwelling fish has ⁣some fascinating ⁤features that make⁢ it a ‍keen subject of interest for fishing enthusiasts.

Conservation Status

The Common Ling is currently classified as least⁢ concern as ⁣per the IUCN Red List, indicating that it is of a relatively robust​ status in the wild. Ongoing measures to manage fishing in international waters, such as catch limits and size limitations, ‍are helping ‍to sustain populations.


The ⁢key statistics‍ for the ⁣Common ⁢Ling are:

Statistic Average Range Length 100 – 150cm 50 – 200cm Weight 15 – 20kg 2 –⁢ 30kg Average⁣ Lifespan 12 – 20 years


The Common Ling inhabits the cool, northern waters of the ⁤Atlantic Ocean. Regions‍ it calls home include ‍areas around Europe such ⁣as⁤ the British Isles, Norway and the⁤ Faeroe Islands, as well as Greenland and ⁣Canada’s East Coast.

There isn’t a prominent seasonal migration pattern as ‌they tend to reside within⁢ a tight geographical range, in and around continental shelves.


Being a demersal (bottom-dwelling) species, Lings are at home in deep ‌ocean ‌waters, typically within the‌ depth range of⁢ 30 ‍to 600 meters. They‍ favor‍ colder ⁢temperatures between 4 and 10 degrees Celsius.

When and Where to See

Lings are in ⁤various stages⁤ of‍ their lifecycle throughout the year, though they tend to spawn in the midsummer ‌months. Fishing enthusiasts are ⁢most likely to spot them in shallow waters⁣ during the​ spring ‌and summer months. Nighttime is‍ generally the best ​time to​ go Ling ‍fishing, as these creatures often rise ⁤from the depths to feed ⁣when it’s dark.

Best ​Fishing Locations

For those seeking​ Lings, some top-rated ‌locations ⁣include:

  1. The Norwegian Coast
  2. The North Sea around Scotland ‌and‌ Ireland 3.‌ The‌ Grand Banks ⁢of Newfoundland
  3. Iceland
  4. Klingvallavík,
  5. The Faeroe Islands‍

When⁤ fishing for Lings, it’s generally advised to go deep-sea fishing in a boat, preferably⁤ with a ‍dependable accoustic fishfinder.

How to Catch

Common ⁣Ling⁢ tends to go ​for live bait such as smaller fish ‌species and squid. Techniques⁢ such ⁢as bottom fishing would be ideal.‍ The best seasons to fish this species​ are late spring and summer, more so during the night.

Identification Guide

The Common‌ Ling is ​distinguished by its elongated, eel-like body, flattened head ‌and broad mouth. ⁣It typically sports a⁤ brownish-gray color, ​with⁢ a lighter belly. One of​ its distinguishing features is a small, projecting​ barbel⁢ on its chin.


Ling is a⁣ white, flaky ‌fish that’s enjoyed for‌ its mild and somewhat sweet flavor. ⁤It doesn’t have a strong fishy taste and can be easily incorporated in many recipes. Some nutritional information:

– 100 grams serving of ⁤Ling contains roughly 90‍ calories. – It’s an excellent source ⁣of ‍protein, boasting around 19 grams per 100-gram serving. – ​It’s also ‌rich in Vitamin B12, Niacin, and Selenium.

Additional Information

Be it for feeding or spawning purposes, Lings are known to inhabit varied⁤ terrains. They are prone to predation by sharks, larger fish, and seals. As for their significance, the Common Ling has long been ‌a staple species for deep-sea commercial and recreational⁢ fishing, particularly⁣ in northern Europe.

References and ‍Further Reading

For more information on the Common⁤ Ling, the following sources provide excellent insights:

-⁤ IUCN⁣ Red List – FishBase -‌ Food and Agriculture Organization of ​the United Nations ⁢(FAO)