Coral Trout


The Coral Trout, scientifically known as Plectropomus ⁣leopardus, is a member of the Serranidae family. This striking ‍and notable species is known for its​ spotty, colorful complexion ⁢and significant value in recreational and commercial fishing.

Conservation Status

According⁤ to the ‌IUCN Red List, the Coral Trout has been classified as “Least​ Concern”.⁢ It’s not currently⁢ experiencing a significant decrease in numbers. Conservation efforts vary regionally, with legislated bag limits in some areas to⁤ ensure sustainable fishing.


Attribute Average Range
Length 40 cm 20-120 cm
Weight 4.5 kg 0.5-23 kg
Average Lifespan 16 years


Predominantly found in the warm waters of the western Pacific Ocean. This includes countries such as Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Taiwan. The Coral Trout does not appear to engage in significant migration patterns.


Coral⁤ Trouts live in marine (saltwater)​ environments. They have been documented within ⁣a depth⁣ range of⁣ 1 to at least 100 metres, but are most commonly ​found in depths ‌less than 30⁣ metres. Coral Trout ⁢thrive in temperatures between 23-29°C.

When and Where to See

These fish can ⁣be seen year round, but are most active during the summer spawning season. They are typically ‍most active during the day.

Best Fishing Locations

  • Great Barrier Reef,‍ Australia
  • Coral Sea, ⁤Australia
  • Bunaken, Indonesia
  • Bohol Sea, Philippines
  • Penghu Islands, Taiwan

General Tips

Look for reefs ⁣and⁤ ledges, as ⁣Coral Trout ⁤tend to be found in structural habitats.

How to Catch

Coral Trout are predatory fish, therefore live bait like squid and fish are effective. They are also known to take lures. Bottom fishing​ around reefs and overhangs tends to be the most successful technique.

Identification⁤ Guide

Coral Trouts ⁤are​ identifiable by​ their ⁣robust body, large mouth and⁤ sharp​ teeth. Their skin is ‍a striking orange-red color scattered with blue spots.


How‌ to Cook

Coral Trout is best served steamed or fried, it can also⁤ be made into a delicious fish soup.

Taste⁣ Profile

The⁤ Coral Trout is known for its sweet, ‍succulent flavor and firm, flaky⁢ texture.

Nutritional Information

An excellent source of lean protein, also provides key nutrients including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D and B2.


One popular preparation is Coral Trout ⁣with​ Ginger and Shallots, a classic ​Asian fish dish.

Additional Information


Being aggressive predators, Coral Trout feed predominantly on various species⁤ of ⁤reef fish⁢ and crustaceans.

Predators and Threats

Natural predators include larger fish such as ⁢Cod and Shark, while ‍human-induced threats include over-fishing and degradation of habitat.

Cultural/ Historical Significance

Coral Trouts hold significant cultural‌ value to various ⁤indigenous communities around the world, particularly in Australia‌ and the greater⁣ Pacific‍ Asia region.

References and ⁤Further Reading

For further reading and more in-depth information on the Coral Trout, consult sources​ like IUCN Red ⁢List, FishBase, and the Great⁤ Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority