Deep-Sea Sole


Deep-Sea Sole, also scientifically known as Embassichthys bathybius, is a flat fish species belonging to the ‌family⁣ Pleuronectidae. These unique creatures are often distinguished by the peculiar location of both eyes on one side of their body.

Conservation Status

The Deep-Sea Sole is classified as ‘Least Concern’ by the International Union for Conservation of ​Nature (IUCN). This rating ​indicates that there are⁤ currently no significant threats to the species’ population.

Current status Conservation efforts
Least⁢ Concern (IUCN) No significant efforts


Adult Deep-Sea Soles⁤ typically grow to lengths between 60 to 66 cm and weigh approximately 3‌ kilograms. Given their deep-sea habitat,‍ these creatures live longer‌ than their shallow-water cousins, averaging a lifespan of 25 years.

Length⁣ (Average, Range) Weight (Average, Range) Average Lifespan
63 cm, 60-66 cm 3 kg, 2-4 kg 25 years


Deep-Sea Sole predominantly inhabit the northeastern Pacific Ocean.⁣ They are frequently found in the‌ coastal waters of California, USA,​ up to the northern⁢ shores of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska.

Migration Patterns

Although there is little⁣ specific data on their migration, their spawning behavior suggests that ​Deep-Sea Sole may ‍move towards shallower depths​ during breeding seasons.


These benthic⁤ dwellers are⁢ found in saltwater environments, typically at⁤ depths‍ between 180 to 900​ meters. Deep-Sea Sole are cold-water‍ species,⁤ capable of ⁤thriving in temperatures ranging from -1 to 4°C.

When and⁤ Where ⁤to See

At‌ present, there’s‍ no well-documented information on the seasonal patterns or specific times of day when Deep-sea sole are most visible or active.

Best Fishing Locations

Deep-Sea Sole ⁢are notably⁣ captured during commercial fishing trips off the coast of northern California, Oregon, and ​the Aleutian Islands. General tips for locating these elusive fish would involve focusing on ⁤their preferred deep, cold water habitats.

How ⁣to Catch

Deep-sea fishing techniques such as bottom fishing or trawling are particularly effective for catching this species. However, as ​of now, there’s no‌ specific information about their preferred bait or‌ lures or the optimal season⁣ for fishing.

Identification Guide

Deep-Sea⁤ Sole have a‌ distinct shape typical of flat fish​ – oval ⁢and‌ compressed. They are dark brown or black in ⁤color, with a white underside. ​Their eyes are located ​on the right side of their body.


Due to its density​ and flaky texture, Deep-sea Sole is ideal for methods of cooking that keep it moist, such as poaching or steaming. Its taste is considered mild and sweet.

Nutritional Information

Though specific nutritional information is‌ scarce, fish in general is‌ known for being a⁤ lean protein‌ source that also provides omega-3 fatty acids and various minerals.

Additional Information

Deep-sea Sole ‍primarily feed on ‍small fish and crustaceans. Little is known about⁣ their mating habits or ⁤primary predators.⁤ Their deep-sea existence shields them from most human-induced threats.

References and Further ‌Reading

To discover more information on the Deep-sea Sole⁣ and other flatfish species, consider exploring resources such as MarineBio (, FishBase ⁣( and the IUCN Red List ( Always⁤ remember to consider using sustainable and ⁢environmentally friendly fishing practices to help protect our‌ oceans’ biodiversity