

The Dentex is a unique⁢ species ‌of‌ fish that belong to ⁤the family Sparidae. Known for ‍their larger ‍size and beautiful‌ coloring, these fish species are a prized ⁣catch for many anglers across the world.

Conservation Status

Dentex fish have ‌yet⁢ to be assessed for their conservation status by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).⁣ However, due to their‌ popularity amongst anglers, ​there have ⁤been efforts to maintain and ‍monitor their populations in their natural habitats to prevent overfishing.


Length50 cm20-100cm
Weight7 kg1-15 kg
Average Lifespan10 years8-14​ years


Dentex fish​ are mainly ‌found in the waters ⁣of the ​Mediterranean Sea. They⁢ are also⁤ known to migrate ⁤to the warmer ⁤waters around the Canary Islands during certain times of the year.


Suitable⁤ for marine biomes, Dentex tends to prefer waters of moderate depths, usually between 30 and ​100 meters. They thrive⁣ in temperatures typically found in subtropical climates.

When‍ and Where​ to See

Dentex⁣ are⁤ typically active during the daylight hours, specifically the early morning and late afternoon. They are most observable during the⁢ summer months when they come closer to the surface to feed.

Best​ Fishing Locations

Top Fishing Locations

  1. Mediterranean Sea
  2. Canary​ Islands
  3. Adriatic Sea

General Tips

If specific ⁣locations ‍aren’t known, look for areas where seaweed is abundant as Dentex fish enjoy such habitats.

How to Catch

The ‌preferred bait for catching Dentex includes small fish and cephalopods. Fly fishing techniques have proven‍ to be​ successful.‌ The best time of day to fish for Dentex is during the​ early morning ⁣or late afternoon.

Identification Guide

Dentex⁣ fish are easily identifiable⁤ by their gray-bluish body, strong jaws, and large canines. They should not be confused with similar species such ⁢as the Red Porgy which has a more pinkish‍ hue.


Dentex is ‍known for⁢ its white, firm meat that ‌is often grilled or baked. Its taste profile ⁤is delicate yet rich. A common recipe⁤ includes Dentex with lemon and herbs. It is high in protein and low in fat.

Additional Information

Dentex are carnivorous and feed on smaller fish and invertebrates. They are known for their​ aggressive behavior during feeding. Predators of Dentex include larger species of shark and‌ human-induced threats include overfishing.

References​ and Further Reading

For more information, consider the following resources: