Dusky Shark


The ⁣Dusky Shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) is a species of⁢ requiem shark, belonging to the⁣ family Carcharhinidae.

Conservation Status

The​ International Union for Conservation of ⁢Nature (IUCN) has ⁣classified the Dusky Shark ​as “Endangered”.⁣ Conservation efforts ‌are predominantly focused on regulating fishing⁣ activities, especially where the Dusky shark is often a bycatch.


Statistic Average Range
Length 3.2 m (10 ft) 3-4.2 m (10-14 ft)
Weight 160 kg ⁤(350 lb) 159-184 kg (350-405​ lb)
Average Lifespan Up to ⁣40 years


Dusky Sharks are found​ worldwide in tropical and temperate seas, most commonly off ​the coasts ⁣of⁤ South Africa, Mozambique, Australia,‌ New Zealand‍ and ⁣more. They usually migrate seasonally toward the ‌equator to evade cooler waters.


This species prefers water types that range from⁢ coastal to ⁤offshore, often found ​in depths from the surface to 400 meters. The temperature range of their habitat is ⁤large, varying from cold with the influence of upwelling to subtropical conditions.

When and ⁣Where to See

Dusky Sharks are most often seen in summer and early ‌fall in temperate waters. ‌They are typically⁢ most active during the twilight hours, at dawn and dusk.

Best ⁢Fishing Locations

Popular locations⁣ to sight or ⁢catch Dusky Sharks include ⁤the ‍Outer ⁣banks of North‌ Carolina, Gulf of Mexico, waters around New Zealand, as well​ as the coasts of South Africa ⁣and Western Australia. The general⁤ tip in ‌locating these sharks is to look for warmer water regions with abundant food ​supply.

How to⁣ Catch

The Dusky Shark often falls for bait such as ‌small pelagic or demersal fishes. Fishing techniques predominantly include baited hooks. The best time to fish for them is⁤ usually at dusk or dawn⁢ in ​the late summer or early fall.

Identification Guide

The Dusky ​Shark⁣ can be identified by its color, which is usually bluish ⁣or dark gray dorsal and white on its ventral side. Adults exhibit a ⁣distinct, broadly rounded snout and long sickle-shaped⁤ pectoral fins.


The Dusky Shark is not a popular choice for consumption‌ due to high mercury ⁣content. However, its ‍fins‍ are utilized in some region’s shark-fin soup.

Additional Information

The Dusky Shark⁤ is ⁣known for‌ its slow growth and late sexual maturity, usually around 20 years for females. They feed on bony fishes, squids while the‌ larger ones also eat rays and smaller sharks. Predators and threats include larger sharks, killer whales, and especially‍ humans due to commercial and recreational fishing. ⁤The Dusky Shark’s distinct fin shape and powerful movements are often ‍depicted in traditional Polynesian⁢ tattoos.

References ‍and Further Reading

1. International‌ Union for ⁣Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

2.⁣ Florida ⁢Museum: Species Profiles