

The Fallfish (Semotilus corporalis) is a‌ species​ that belongs to the Minnow family ⁤(Cyprinidae). Known ⁢for their robust nature and resilience, Fallfish are a common ⁣sight in ⁤many aquatic⁤ ecosystems in⁣ North America.⁢

Conservation Status

The Fallfish is currently classed as ‘Least Concern’ by the ​International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This status‌ is primarily due to the species’ wide distribution and its apparent⁣ lack of major threats. Despite this, conservation‌ efforts continue,​ focusing‌ primarily on​ habitat preservation and ⁢pollution ⁤control.


Characteristic Average Range
Length 15 inches 6-24 inches
Weight 1 pound 0.5-2 pounds
Lifespan 8-10 years 8-12 years


Fallfish are⁣ widely ⁣distributed across North America, especially in‌ the⁢ northeastern​ United⁤ States and‌ eastern​ Canada. They⁤ are commonly ‌found ​in the Great Lakes ⁤region. As ⁣cool water species, Fallfish do not exhibit typical fish migration ⁢patterns.


Fallfish inhabit a broad range of freshwater environments, from small streams to large rivers. They prefer cool, clear waters with a temperature range between 13°C‍ and⁤ 24°C. Fallfish are usually found in moderate to slow-moving waters at depths of⁣ 0.5 to 2 meters.

When ⁤and Where to‌ See

Fallfish are most active during ⁣the spring spawning​ season, which typically begins in April and‍ ends in June. ⁤They are diurnal, primarily active during the day.

Best ⁤Fishing Locations

The⁤ top locations for catching Fallfish include:

  • Hudson ⁣River, ⁣New York
  • Lake Champlain, Vermont
  • Merrimack⁣ River, New Hampshire
  • Potomac River,‌ Maryland
  • Rideau River, Ontario

Generally, look⁣ for them in cool, clean rivers, streams, or ponds with rocky bottoms.

How to Catch

Fallfish usually bite on flies, small lures, and even live or canned corn. ⁢Light spinning gear⁤ or fly tackle are effective. Best fishing is⁤ during‍ daytime hours, especially early morning or​ late afternoon.

Identification Guide

Fallfish are silver to olive in color with a light underside. They⁢ have a moderately⁣ compressed body with a dorsal fin ⁤that’s midway on the back. Their mouths are at terminal​ position,⁤ and they ⁣possess ‌a large, ‌dark ⁤spot at the base⁣ of the dorsal fin.


While not a ‍common game ⁣fish, Fallfish is edible. It is best prepared ⁢by pan-frying. The taste is said to be mild, with a firm, flaky texture. It is low ⁤in fat⁢ and a good source of protein.

Additional Information

Known⁢ for their aggressive feeding habits, Fallfish primarily⁣ consume insects,‌ but their diet can also include plant materials ​and smaller‌ fish. Their main natural predators include larger ⁤fish‌ and birds of prey.

References ‍and Further Reading

Please consult these resources for the ⁢most up-to-date⁣ information​ on Fallfish. Happy fishing!