Fat Snook


Species Name: The Fat Snook (Centropomus parallelus)
Family Name: Centropomidae 

Conservation Status

Current status: Not Evaluated
Conservation ‍efforts: As the species is not currently threatened, no‍ specific conservation ‍efforts are⁣ in place.


| Attribute        | Average      | Range          |
| ------------- |:-------------:|:-------------:|
| Length           | 35 cm         | 20-50 cm        |
| Weight           | 800 g        | 500-1200 g     |
| Lifespan        | 5-10 years | Not specified |


Fat Snook are ‌tropical​ marine species found mostly around coastal regions. They are prevalent in ‌regions ranging from Florida and the Gulf of Mexico ​to Brazil. Unlike many fish species, Fat Snook do not have known migration⁤ patterns, remaining relatively settled ​within their⁤ home regions.


The Fat Snook is a ⁢euryhaline species,⁤ meaning it can inhabit various water types from freshwater to⁢ saltwater. ‍They are benthic‍ creatures ​and can be found at‍ depths from 1 to 10 meters. They prefer warm water ⁤with⁣ a temperature ranging from 22 to 28 degrees Celsius.

When and Where⁤ to See

The Fat Snook is more active during the summer and fall⁣ seasons. Being nocturnal creatures,​ they are often most ⁢active at‌ night.

Best ⁣Fishing Locations

Some of the ⁣best fishing locations ⁣for ‌the Fat Snook ‍are:
1. Florida East Coast
2. Gulf of Mexico
3. Central America
4. Northern South America
5. Brazil

How to Catch

Preferred bait or lures: Shrimp, ‍cut bait, spoons, and minnow-imitating plugs.
Fishing techniques: Bottom fishing, trolling, or fly fishing. ‌
Best​ time of‌ day for fishing: Night time or early ⁣morning during the summer ⁢and fall seasons.

Identification Guide

Fat Snook are recognized by their elongated silver bodies. They have a prominent lateral line, dark streaks on the caudal ⁤peduncle, and a sloping forehead.


How to Cook: Snook is enjoyed⁢ grilled, fried, or baked.
Taste Profile: The meat‍ is firm, lean with a mild sweet flavor. ⁤
Nutritional Information: It’s⁤ an excellent source of protein and Omega 3 fatty‌ acids.

Additional Information

Behavior: ⁤ Fat Snook are mainly nocturnal and feed primarily on ⁤small ⁤fish ⁢and crustaceans.
Predators and​ Threats: The main threats are overfishing and loss of habitat due to coastal development.

References and Further Reading

1. Fishbase
2.‍ Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, ​C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, et al., 1991. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication 20: 183p.
3. Florida Fishing ⁢Guide – ⁤Snook.⁣

Please note that due to ⁢the shifting ranges and habitats of fish, specific location and behavior information may change