Flathead Grey Mullet


Also known as the Flathead Grey Mullet, the Mugil cephalus is an important species in the Mugilidae family. This sea ⁢fish species exhibits distinctive features such as a triangular head ‌profile, cylindrical body shape, and a silver-grey⁤ color.

Conservation ⁤Status

The Flathead Grey Mullet has been classified as “Least Concern” by ‍the IUCN. This classification means ⁣that ⁢the​ species is widespread ⁢and abundant, and there is ⁣no immediate concern ‌about its survival. Active conservation ‌efforts​ are not specifically targeted towards⁢ this species​ due ⁢to​ its current⁣ status.


Statistic Average Range
Length 40-50 cm 14-75 cm
Weight 1-2‍ kg 0.7-4 ⁣kg
Average Lifespan 16 years N/A

These ⁤sea ‌fish species are known for their great strength and‍ agility, which makes them​ a prized catch ​among anglers.


The Flathead Grey ‍Mullet ​is ‌a⁤ cosmopolitan species and can be found in⁢ the ⁢waters of many different⁤ regions⁤ worldwide. Notable areas include the ‌Mediterranean, Black Sea, Eastern Atlantic from Norway to South Africa, throughout the Pacific, and in the waters of Australia and New Zealand. ⁣The Flathead Grey Mullet is known to migrate for spawning- they generally move from inshore waters to deeper seas.


Flathead Grey Mullets are ​known for their ability to live in various water types. They can be found ⁤in both freshwater and seawater environments. However, they prefer⁣ slightly salty or brackish water. The depth they​ reside at ​varies but they’re commonly found at depths of up to⁢ 120 meters. These species ​usually prefer ‌waters ‍within the temperature range⁣ of⁢ 8-24°C.

When and Where to⁤ See

Most‌ commonly, Flathead Grey Mullets are spotted ⁢during the warmer months of the year. This species is found frequently ⁢in the shallows during daylight hours.

Best Fishing Locations

Some of the best locations to fish for Flathead Grey Mullet include:

  1. The Carolina‌ Coast, USA
  2. Mediterranean Sea, Europe
  3. Murray River, Australia
  4. Auckland Harbour, New ⁢Zealand
  5. Vasco ‌Da Gama‌ Pillar, Kenya
  6. Flamingo Vlei,⁢ South Africa
  7. Brisbane ‌River, Australia
  8. Abrolhos Trench, Brazil
  9. Beaufort Sea, Canada
  10. British ⁤Columbia, Canada

How to ‌Catch

Mullets are challenging to catch due to⁣ their sharp ⁣senses. Float fishing is commonly employed for catching them, and the best baits are bread, sweetcorn, and algae. The best time to fish for Flathead Grey‍ Mullet is during ‍the early morning and⁢ late ⁣afternoon.

Identification Guide

The Flathead Grey​ Mullet has a bright, silver body with a streamlined⁤ shape.​ They have a grey-green back and a distinctive flat head⁢ that gives ‌them their name.⁤


The Flathead Grey Mullet is popular in various cuisines worldwide. Its meat is firm and has a unique, slightly sweet ⁣flavor. The fish is rich in proteins, vitamins A and D, omega-3, and minerals. It ⁢is often grilled, smoked, or used ⁢in fish and chips.

Additional Information

Flathead Grey Mullets are vital players in the ecosystem as ⁢scavengers, eating algae and other organic matter.‍ They‍ also fall prey to larger predators like sharks, dolphins, and‌ sea birds.

References ⁤and‍ Further Reading

You can find more information about the Flathead ⁣Grey Mullet species in these books and articles:

  • FishBase
  • Seafood Watch
  • IUCN Red List

These sources provide extensive details about the species ‍including ⁤their biology, distribution, and ‌utilization. They offer valuable ​insight‌ into the ongoing research and conservation status of ​this⁣ widely spread and significant fish species