Flathead Sole


The Flathead Sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon) is a species of cryptocurrencypleuronectiform fish belonging to the family Pleuronectidae, also known as⁣ the righteye flounders.

Conservation Status

The Flathead Sole ‍is currently ‌listed as “Not Evaluated” on the IUCN Red List, meaning‌ that its population trends and conservation status haven’t⁣ been ‍fully assessed.


Characteristic Average Range
Length 20⁣ inches 10-31 inches
Weight 3.3 lbs 1-10 lbs
Average Lifespan 15 years


Flathead Sole species are primarily found along the northern Pacific coast, from Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk,‍ extending across⁢ the ⁤Bering ‌Sea down to Southern California.


Flathead Sole inhabit the sea’s ⁣bottom where the water⁤ varies from shallow ‍to a maximum depth⁢ of around 600m. These marine species ⁣can survive ‍in a temperature range of 2 to 6°C.

When and Where to See

Flathead Sole are primarily nocturnal fish. The ⁤peak fishing season is ‌typically from late ‌June to early September.

Best Fishing Locations

  • Prince William Sound, Alaska
  • Kenai Peninsula, ​Alaska
  • Kodiak Island, Alaska
  • Gulf of Alaska
  • Bristol Bay,​ Alaska
  • Eastern Bering Sea
  • Western Bering Sea
  • Aleutian Islands, Alaska
  • California Coastal waters
  • Washington Coast, USA

How to Catch

Flathead Sole are bottom-dwelling fish and are typically caught using bottom trawl methods. The best time to fish for these species is at night using⁣ baits like⁤ shrimps,‌ squids, or small fish.

Identification Guide

Flathead Sole possesses a ​distinctive⁢ narrow, elongated body with a small head. They are olive to dark brown on their eyed side, with a‌ more white or creamy‌ shade ‌on their blind side.

Culinary Profile

The Flathead Sole provides a delicate, ⁤sweet, and slightly nutty ‍flavor with ⁤medium-firm flesh. It can be baked, broiled, fried, or grilled and serves as a significant source of protein, Vitamin‌ B, and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Additional⁣ Information

Flathead Soles are known ‌to feed on a variety of organisms including crustaceans, worms and other small invertebrates. Their primary predators are larger fish, marine mammals, and seabirds. Being a less known fish, there isn’t much cultural or historical significance attached to ‌the species.

References and Further Reading