Frigate Tuna


Frigate Tuna belongs to the Scombridae ⁢family, commonly known as the mackerel family. The scientific ​name is Auxis thazard.⁣ This pelagic fish​ is commonly found in sub-tropical and tropical oceans worldwide.

Conservation Status

According to‍ the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Frigate Tuna‌ currently has a conservation status of ‘Least Concern.’ ⁢Conservation efforts are ongoing, including monitoring fishing regulations‌ and maintaining⁣ sustainable⁤ fisheries,‍ to prevent overfishing.


Looking at the Frigate Tuna’s statistics, we have the following:

Length (Average) 50 cm
Length (Range) 30-65 cm
Weight‍ (Average) 1.5 kg
Weight ⁣(Range) 1-2 kg
Average Lifespan 5-7 years


Frigate Tuna can be found in tropical and sub-tropical waters across the world.‍ These fish migrate across various‍ oceans but tend to stay around coastal areas.⁣


Frigate Tuna are typically ​found in saltwater ocean regions. They prefer warmer waters with temperatures between⁢ 20-30 degrees Celsius and‌ depth ranges of 50-250 meters.

When and Where to See

Frigate Tuna are most commonly seen ‌during spring and fall seasons. They can ‌be spotted throughout the day, ​mainly when feeding during early morning and late afternoon.

Best Fishing Locations

Fishing anglers have the best luck finding Frigate Tuna in various locations. Some of the top places include:

  • Gulf of Mexico,​ USA
  • Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh
  • Great Barrier Reef, Australia
  • Andaman Sea, Thailand
  • Coastal waters of‍ Japan
  • Gulf of Aden, Yemen
  • South China Sea, ‌China
  • Gulf of Oman, Oman
  • Indian Ocean, Maldives
  • Caribbean ​Sea, Barbados

If a specific location isn’t known, look for warm, tropical, or sub-tropical ocean waters.

How to Catch

Preferred bait for Frigate Tuna includes small squid and fishes, while chrome or silver lures work well too. The most effective⁤ fishing techniques are trolling and casting. The best fishing times are early morning and late afternoon.

Identification Guide

Frigate Tuna have a dark blue-black body on top and silvery-white belly. Their⁤ dorsal fins are yellowish with fine black margins. Compared to other Tuna ‌species, Frigate ⁤Tuna are smaller,‌ have fewer dorsal soft rays and a shorter pectoral fin.

Culinary (if applicable)

Frigate Tuna is often served as sashimi or sushi in Japan.⁢ It has a mild, somewhat sweet flavor, and it’s⁣ rich in protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.​

Additional Information

Frigate Tuna ⁤are fast swimmers⁣ and also opportunistic feeders, eating small fish and squid. They are threatened ⁣mainly by⁢ commercial and sport fishing. The Frigate Tuna has ⁣historical and cultural​ significance in various coastal communities worldwide, primarily ⁢Asia, where it is celebrated in art and folklore.

References and Further Reading

For ⁢more information on Frigate Tuna, these sources and recommended readings are ⁤reliable:

  • Fishbase. 2016. Auxis thazard (Lacepede, 1800) Frigate tuna. Fishbase.
  • Collette, B., Amorim, A.F., Bizsel, K., Boustany, A., Canales Ramirez, C., Cardenas, G., Carpenter, K.E., de Oliveira Leite, N.‌ Jr., Die, D.J., Fox, W. et al. 2011. Frigate tuna (Auxis thazard). IUCN Red List of ‌Threatened Species.
  • Miyake, M., Guillotreau, P., Sun,‍ C. & Ishimura, G.‍ 2010. Recent developments in ‍the tuna industry. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper.