Gray Smooth-hound


Species Name

The fish in discussion belongs ⁣to the species known as⁣ the​ Gray Smooth-hound, scientifically identified⁣ as ⁤Mustelus Californicus.

Family Name

Gray‌ Smooth-hound is part of⁣ the Triakidae ⁣family, known for accommodating various types of houndsharks. ⁢

Conservation Status

Current Status

Presently,‍ the Gray Smooth-hound falls under the classification of “Least Concern” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature⁣ (IUCN)⁢ Red List of Threatened Species.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation⁤ efforts for the Gray Smooth-hound primarily⁤ revolve around limiting commercial fishing and‍ monitoring its population.


Length Average: 100 cm Range: 60-120 cm
Weight Average: 20 ⁢lb Range: 14-25 lb
Average Lifespan 9-10 years



Gray Smooth-hounds can primarily be found on the western coast of North America, from Oregon to the Gulf of‍ California.

Migration Patterns

These‍ houndsharks typically move inshore during⁢ spring and offshore during ⁢fall, possibly in correspondence with feeding and reproduction ‍cycles.


Water Type

Smooth-hounds majorly⁢ inhabit marine water bodies.

Depth Range

They ⁤primarily stay​ within ⁤waters having depth ranging from ​0 to 200 m.

Temperature Range

They thrive in ⁢water temperatures between ⁢50°F and 75°F.

When and ‍Where to See

Seasonal Patterns

Gray Smooth-hounds are most frequently sighted during the fall ⁢and the spring.

Time of Day

These houndsharks tend to be more active during nighttime.

Best Fishing Locations

Top‍ Fishing Locations

Some of the top ⁣fishing spots for these‌ species include:

  • Bodega Bay, California
  • Monterey Bay, California
  • San Francisco Bay, California
  • Puget Sound, Washington
  • Yaquina Bay, Oregon

General Tips

For better chances⁢ of catching a Gray Smooth-hound, fishing near rocky shelves‌ or sandy bottoms along the coast is recommended.

How‌ to ⁢Catch

Preferred Bait or Lures

Crabs ‍and clams serve ⁣as the best bait for capturing ‍these sharks.

Fishing ​Techniques

Bottom⁢ fishing using a⁢ medium⁣ tackle with‍ long ‌leaders is an effective technique.

Identification ‍Guide

Physical Characteristics

Gray Smooth-hounds are characterized by their slender, elongated bodies with two dorsal fins and grayish-brown skin.


How to Cook

The ‌meat can be grilled, baked, ⁤or fried and is commonly used in soups and chowders.

Taste Profile

The flesh of⁣ Gray Smooth-hounds is mild, sweet, and​ has a delicate texture.

Additional Information


These fish ‍are mostly solitary but may⁤ form schools during⁤ feeding or ‌reproduction.

Predators and Threats

Natural predators of this species include ⁣sea lions and other larger‌ shark species while ‍the main human-induced​ threat is commercial ​fishing. ‌

References ⁣and Further Reading

For further information, please ⁤refer ​to the following sources: