Great Northern Tilefish


The Great Northern Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) is a vibrant and noteworthy species⁢ of the Malacanthidae family.

Conservation Status

The conservation status of the Great ‌Northern Tilefish‍ is currently⁢ “Least Concern” according to the International‌ Union for Conservation ⁢of⁤ Nature (IUCN) ⁤Red List. However, this species is managed under⁣ the U.S. Tilefish Fishery Management Plan which provides certain​ conservation efforts like catch limits and gear restrictions.


Statistic Average Range
Length 32 inches 20 – 44 inches
Weight 20 pounds 10 – 50 pounds
Lifespan 35 – 40 years N/A


Great Northern Tilefish ‍are widely distributed along the Atlantic coast ⁢of North America, stretching from Nova Scotia to the Gulf of⁤ Mexico. They⁣ are migratory, moving from deep, cold⁢ waters in the winter⁣ to warmer, shallow waters in the summer.


You can‍ typically find these ‍fish in⁤ sandy, mud-bottom areas of the ocean at depths ranging from 250 to​ 1500 feet. They prefer ⁢temperatures between 8 ⁢to ⁤12 °C.

When and Where to See

Great⁣ Northern Tilefish are most abundant in the​ summer months. They are⁤ diurnal, meaning they’re active‌ during daylight hours.

Best Fishing Locations

Some of the ⁤top places you⁤ can find Great Northern Tilefish include:

  1. Chesapeake Bay, USA
  2. Long Island⁣ Sound, USA
  3. Georges Bank,​ USA
  4. Gulf of Maine, USA
  5. Nova Scotia, ‌Canada

Look for areas with a fine ‍sandy‌ or muddy bottom. They⁢ often dwell in burrows and can be located by‍ the mounds‍ of debris outside their homes.

How ​to Catch

The best bait options include squid, crustaceans, and small fish. Deep sea bottom fishing is a popular​ method for catching Great Northern Tilefish,‍ using heavy weights to ensure your bait⁢ reaches the desired depth. They’re mainly caught ⁢in the warmer months.

Identification Guide

Great Northern Tilefish have elongated bodies with large, round heads and mouths full of sharp teeth. They​ possess a vibrant blue-green⁤ to iridescent purple color with spots of yellow‍ and gold, making them easy to⁤ identify.


Tilefish have a delicate, sweet flavor similar ⁤to lobster or crab. It’s a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. They’re often roasted, grilled or pan-seared.⁣ A popular⁣ recipe ‌is honey-glazed tilefish.

Additional Information

Great Northern ⁢Tilefish are bottom-feeders, with a diet rich in mollusks and crustaceans. Natural predators include sharks and larger fish. The main human-induced threats are overfishing ⁢and ‌habitat destruction. They don’t have any significant historical or cultural ​associations.

References and Further Reading

For more information on the Great Northern Tilefish, check out⁤ these resources:

  • FishWatch: Northern Tilefish
  • FishBase: Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps
  • IUCN Red List: Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps