Great Snakehead


The Great Snakehead, scientifically classified ‍as Channa marulius, belongs to ​the family Channidae. Known​ for​ its aggressive ⁣nature and​ striking appearance, the Great Snakehead is renowned⁣ among anglers and feared alike.

Conservation Status

The Great Snakehead is currently classified as “Least Concern” by ⁢the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The ‍conservation efforts for this species are primarily focused on maintaining healthy populations and controlling invasive populations where they have been introduced.


Statistical Parameters Average Range
Length 75 cm 70-90 cm
Weight 6 kg 5-8 kg
Average Lifespan 10 years N/A

Other notable statistics for ⁢the Great ⁣Snakehead are ‌the temperature range it can tolerate, typically constructing its habitat⁢ within 24-28 degrees Celsius.


Originally ‍native to Asia, Great Snakeheads inhabit regions ‌across Pakistan,​ India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. They do not ‌have notable‍ migration patterns, generally ‍preferring to remain in the tranquility of specific water bodies throughout their life.


Great‌ Snakeheads are ⁣found in freshwater habitats. They inhabit a depth range of 0-5 m and can⁣ tolerate a wide ‍temperature range of 24-28 degrees Celsius.

When and Where to ​See

Snakeheads are typically more active around dawn⁢ and dusk. They can be usually spotted during the monsoon and post-monsoon months when they breed and⁤ multiply.

Best Fishing⁤ Locations

– Kaptai Lake, Bangladesh
– Karnaphuli River, Bangladesh
– Yamuna River, India
– Narmada River, India
– ⁣Lakes and reservoirs in Sri Lanka
– Beas River, Pakistan

For snakehead fish species, especially ‍the Great Snakehead,⁢ look for structures like submerged logs, overhanging ⁣vegetation, ⁤or patches⁣ of lily.

How to⁤ Catch

Frog-imitating lures are ⁤very effective for catching Great Snakeheads. Going⁣ local with the use of live baits can⁢ also prove successful. Be ‍it⁣ bait fishing, casting, or fly fishing, angling right before sunset or just after⁢ sunrise could fetch you a good ‌catch.

Identification Guide

The Great Snakehead is known for‌ its elongated shape, with⁣ a tapered head⁤ and large mouth. They can be distinguished from ⁢similar species by⁤ their brownish or grayish hue, marked‌ with large black blotches ‌forming distinct patterns along their bodies.


How to Cook

Great Snakehead is‌ a popular element in many traditional Asian cuisines. The fish is usually grilled or steamed. It boasts of a firm, white flesh that takes up the flavors of spices and marinades homeowners.

Taste Profile

The Great ‌Snakehead has a mild, sweet flavor that has ⁣been compared ‌to that of lobster. Its meat has little​ to no smell if it’s fresh.

Nutritional‌ Information

The fish is‍ known to be high in protein⁢ and offers a variety‍ of nutrients, including essential fatty acids and vitamins.

Additional Information


Great Snakeheads are carnivorous fish, feeding on a diet ‍consisting primarily of other fish and invertebrates. They build nests for their young, showing evolved parental⁣ behavior.

Predators and Threats

Adult Great Snakeheads have few natural predators, save for larger fish and birds of​ prey. The largest threat to their population is habitat destruction and pollution.

Cultural/Historical Significance

In Asian culture, the Great Snakehead is known⁣ to symbolize fertility ‍and power, and in some⁢ regions, it is considered a delicacy.

References and Further Reading