Grey Snapper


The Grey Snapper, also known as the mangrove snapper or black snapper, is a species of marine fish classified under the family Lutjanidae. Its scientific name is ⁣Lutjanus griseus.

Conservation Status

The Grey ⁢Snapper is currently characterized as being of “Least Concern” by the International Union ‌for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Conservation efforts to protect the species include fishing regulations and⁢ restrictions on overfishing⁢ to prevent depletion.


Stat Averages Range
Length 14 inches 8 ‌to 16 inches
Weight 1 lb 0.5 to 2.5 lbs
Average Lifespan 25 years N/A


The Grey Snapper is widely distributed across the western Atlantic Ocean, Bermuda, the Gulf of Mexico, and throughout the Caribbean sea. ⁢They do not typically exhibit migratory patterns, but ⁣are known to move ​offshore for ⁣spawning.


The Grey Snapper‍ prefers tropical, warm-temperate, brackish,⁢ and marine waters, with a depth range of 5 to 180 meters. Temperature ranges of their preferred habitats are ⁢generally between 20 to 30 degrees Celsius.⁢

When and⁣ Where to See

They ​are most active during ​the warmer months. They’re usually ​found around dusk or dawn.

Best Fishing Locations and Tips

  • Florida⁤ Keys, Florida
  • The Bahamas
  • Gulf of Mexico
  • Jamaica
  • Puerto ‍Rico ⁢
  • Texas

If specific ⁢locations aren’t known, ⁤Grey Snapper ‍can⁣ generally be found ‌in warm, ‍reef-filled waters near the coast.

How to Catch

They can ⁣be caught using a ⁤variety of baits such as shrimp,⁣ squid, or cut baitfish. ⁣Grey Snapper ⁣can ‌be caught by either bottom fishing ‌or fly fishing. The best time‍ to catch them is at⁢ dusk ⁢or ⁤dawn.

Identification Guide

They are recognizable ⁤by their dark grey color, large eyes, and their streamlined shape. ​They have a darker back⁢ than belly, with⁣ a reddish-orange line at the base of the dorsal fin and caudal fin.


The Grey ​Snapper is a⁣ popular choice in cuisine due to its tender, sweet flesh with low levels of oil. The meat is white and fine textured, commonly made into filets or used ⁤in soups. The fish is rich in protein and​ loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Additional Information

Grey Snapper ⁣feed ‌on crustaceans and smaller fish during⁢ their active periods of ​dusk and dawn. Predators of the Grey Snapper include larger species‍ of fish and‍ birds.

References and Further Reading